Reynold Birchill



7 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Reynold Birchill


Undead Doctor






Name: Reynold Birchill/Marchand
Full Title:  Undead Doctor
Alignment: Infernal
Physical Age: 19
Actual Age: 106+
Skill type: idk but there's lots of skeletons
Fighting Style: Raynold, despite being a 'doctor' doesn't supply that much support.. none, actually. Instead, he's a rather aggressive fighter

TBA becausi'mlazy


+Demitri <3
+Dissecting things
+Figuring out how things tick
+Romantic stuff
+Making new 'remedies'
+Skeletons are neat

-People denying his help?
-Like he gets it, but it happens so often.
-Not remembering where he put stuff.


  • Spontaneous
  • Romantic
  • Destructive
  • Morbid
  • Disorganised
  • Short attention-span
  • Cruel

 Reynold's actually a pretty cheery man. He comes off as friendly and won't turn down a good 'ol conversation. He may be a little odd when you meet him, but those close might call it quirky. He always seems to be up to no good without really meaning to be 'up to no good'. He more or less just does things that seem right to do. For example putting strange potions into peoples food for research, or planning to kidnap a Celestial in case he feels like dissecting them after-. Everything he does is in pursuit of some kind of self-amusement, or just because he needs answers to life's big questions (Spoiler, his questions are actually pretty underwhelming). Reynold's got an uncomfortably vast interest with the dark, gritty and the gorey. But even so, he doesn't think anything wrong of it. He's a doctor and he certainly has seen his share of gruesome wounds and the like, it's not his fault. He finds something about the whole subject beautiful and despite his opinion being largely unpopular, he can't find it in him to care. Even so, he wants nothing more than to be able to help his fellow Infernal, and is really quite hurt when nobody wants to accept his help. He's a doctor for gods sake. He doesn't really understand why nobody wants his help, but he does his best not to take it personally. Reynold is also hopelessly disorganised. His room is always in disarray and he won't be able to remember where he may have left something that morning. He doesn't put things away when he's done with them and may not know his left from his right if he wasn't constantly reminded. He'll tell you that it's because he has better things to think about and it may be be true, however it's more likely that he just doesn't want to bother. His interest is always shifting from one thing to another. However there is one thing he's able to concentrate wholeheartedly on and that's Demitri. Reynold really is a romantic underneath it all and enjoys candlelit dinners, dancing and even watching sappy movies. He knows all of the corniest lines to make his beloved laugh and sends flowers when he can. Honestly he can sometimes be a little embarrassing to be around.


Demitri Marchand: Reynold would walk through fire if Demitri asked him to. This boy is the sun, the moon and the oxygen that he needs to breathe. Reynold is so god damn in love with Demitri that just, holy shit dude. He expresses it so clearly that it kind of puts off other people. He spoils the guy endlessly and will do anything just to see a smile on his face. That sounds cute and romantic until you realise that they're both demons of chaos and destruction. But more than that they're just really romantic. Reynold isn't afraid to be affectionate. This includes showering Demitri with complements and using flowery language to make him blush or laugh. All the "Ugh"'s in the world won't make him stop. He'll do anything for his beloved husband~

Ghost: Reynold and ghost are something of friends. Even thought the boy is closer to Demitri, this causes them to hang out often. Reynold doesn't doesn't mind that ghost doesn't talk a lot, since it's usually the doctor that does most of the talking anyway.

Dynamo: Dynamo was one of the first Infernals who really warmed up to Reynold when he first joined. Having joined a few years earlier, he seemed to recall being the 'new kid'. As such Reynold would consider Dynamo among his friends. They get along rather well and will hang out every now and then.

Philip Hylidae: Reynold isn't sure why this Celestial kid keeps staring at him like that. Once he picked up a frog and Philip smacked it out of his hands... To be fair he was going to dissect it, but??? okay??


Theme/ transformation/battle: 

History: - 
I wrote this at three am ahahahahhh
its edgy and cringy I am so sorry but it's written now so it's staying

Reynold was the assistant to a very popular, but very infamous doctor.
Word said that the doctor could cure just about anything, so many people sought him out. He was always busy, always hard at work and Reynold was right along beside him. Though the doctor's practices were shady, dangerous and cruel in nature, nobody needed to know. All they needed was results... they just needed to see their loved ones 'well' again. He treated everything from the disease ridden to the mentally ill. They all miraculously came out cured.

    This doctor was the only family that Reynold had. Though technically he was the adopted son of the man, he was never allowed to call him 'father'. He never understood, but he wasn't going to question it either. Reynold was there to watch, listen and learn. Learn he did. More than anything, Reynold wanted to prove that he wasn't a mistake, that he would learn and listen and do as instructed. But it was awful. He hurt and destroyed so many people in his attempt to please this man and prove his worth. But seeing a smile, one that was so clearly directed at him truly made the boy believe that it was all worth it. So Reynold continued to listen, he continued to learn. The more he did, the more he was rewarded with praise and reassurance. Eventually he stopped caring if it was awful, pain stopped and guilt eventually faded. All that mattered was that he was wanted, he was important...

    As the boy got older, he was taught to do entire procedures on his own. He was diligent and did everything perfectly, just as he was taught. the doctor seemed grateful for a little while as Reynold successfully took away half of the work. However the "thank you"'s and the "Good job"'s became sparse. The boy convinced himself that he didn't need to be reassured every time, and that he was such a big help that the doctor was probably always happy. Surely constantly saying thank you would get tiring.  

    Business at the hospital never slowed down and the pressure only became more and more overwhelming. Reynold was smart. He was diligent and he was good at everything he was taught. He did everything he was told and never complained. He could handle some pressure. He worked tirelessly beside the doctor, sometimes day through night. Cutting, stabbing, sawing and shocking, drilling and stitching. There was so much to do, so much to remember and it all blurred together until Reynold eventually did mess up. What he received in turn was a swift slap to the face and a warning not to do it again. and as always, Reynold simply obeyed. More responsibility meant more work, more work meant more chance at failure and fail, he did. The boy didn't know what had happened. He had been so smart, he had been so helpful and needed. But instead of a smile, the doctor only began to see him with resentment. He was punished for every mistake he had made, and eventually he didn't feel the need to seek acceptance from the doctor anymore. He didn't want praise or gratitude. At last Reynold realised that he didn't belong here, he wasn't important and he sure as hell didn't matter. The only thing he felt was resentment. Resentment for this place, for that man and for himself. Perhaps if he had tried harder. Maybe if he had watched, listened, learned.. he should have made more of an effort and then maybe he woulnd't have been such a disappointment.

    Never would Reynold have expected to be approached by a strange man. His blond hair was more beautiful than anything he had seen, and the boy felt almost ashamed standing before him. His blood stained and ugly clothes certainly were not fitting. But the man didn't seem to care, he had a strange warmth that Reynold didn't even know existed ,and he spoke so kindly that the boy was taken aback. When he was asked if he wanted power, if he wanted magic, Reynold honestly didn't care about how ridiculous it sounded. This man wanted him, said that he was something special and offered him power! Anyone could see that this was a bad idea, but nonetheless the boy accepted.

    Word of the strange doctor faded after that. Anyone being capable of curing anything must just be an old wives tale. Some would visit the old hospital where the man was said to work. The only things left were all manner of ungodly contraptions and organs seemingly well-preserved. They say that if you had watched, if you had listened, you would hear the echoes of a man pleading for forgiveness.      

This was under Demitri's 'relationship' section but it got too long so i'm putting it here.

Demitri joined the Infernal a number of years after Reynold did. The two quickly found an interest in each other, especially considering where their power was involved. They were both rather strange and really a doctor and a nurse? Seemed like they could be friends. Unfortunately it didn't work out as they had planned. Reynold couldn't really stand the little pest constantly at his side. He was a man of action and he couldn't very well focus on his doings with his self-proclaimed sidekick constantly breathing down his neck. He thought that at first, but after a while he came to appreciate Demitri's presence. The guy was really helpful and seemed to be the missing piece in Reynold's dysfunctional life. If he forgot something, Demitri knew where it was. If he had made a mistake, Demitri always knew how to fix it. They made quite a team and Reynold began to wonder how he had ever functioned without the other. His feelings grew beyond friendship and after a lot of dancing around the subject, he was eventually convinced (by everyone else) that confessing was the best option for both of them. Really he was glad. The feelings were mutual and if Reynold weren't a dense idiot, it wouldn't have been clear. The Infernal even surprised himself, not knowing how truly invested in this relationship he had become. It scared him, honestly, how much he really seemed to love the other. But he had already taken the dive and he sure as hell wasn't going back now.
    Reynold quickly fell head over heels, he was convinced that there wasn't anything that he wouldn't do for Demitri. That is until Demitri proposed. A new kind of fear grew in Reynold's stomach. Desperately he wanted to say yes, but he couldn't. There was too much to consider and more than anything he was afraid. Afraid to disappoint the other and afraid that he simply wasn't good enough. Clearly Demitri was hurt when he didn't get an answer and Reynold was beyond guilty for such a thing. He distanced himself from the other and he felt awful because of it. He felt that he had to deal with these problems alone and he wouldn't put his beloved through any more stress than he has already gone though.
    Demitri had faced a fatal wound at the hand of an astral. Reynold couldn't help him in that moment and felt more than useless. Guilty for ignoring him for so long and guilty that he wasn't strong enough to protect the other. If only he was stronger, braver and more focused. Maybe then he would be good enough for his beloved's hand. Despite Demitri's quick recovery, Reynold did experience what it felt like to almost loose the one he loved. He never wanted to feel that again. More than anything he wanted to be the one person who meant the world to the other. Demitri had already taken that place in his heart, after all. After some really heartfelt confessions and Reynold explaining what an idiot he is, the two got married. It was a happy marriage and it continues to be. They have an eternity to be sappy and romantic all they want and really they couldn't ask for more.    


   ◉ Is a doctor but he doesn't have a doctorate, so I wouldn't actually trust him with doing doctor things.
   ◉ Really really wishes he could dissect an Astral tbh.
   ◉ TBA