


6 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Samuel Oralee


Elysium's Executioner




U h


Name: Samuel Oralee
Seraphim, Sam
Full Title: Elysium's Executioner
Alignment: Infernal
Physical Age: 17
Actual Age: 
Skill type: Holy light
Weapon('s): Cross staff
Fighting Style: Seraphim is a support on the back lines and can't really take too much of a beating. He will heal the wounds of his allies, but that doesn't mean that his offensive capabilities are nonexistant. He's not as strong physically as some of the other Infernal's, but he make up for it with magic and support.  

 Divine Judgement - Light energy and holy fire beams down from the heavens with great force burning any foe who may have the misfortune of getting caught in it.
 Radiant Beam - Beams of heavenly light shoot from around Seraphim, following the foe until they make contact.
 Sigil - A white magic circle is cast on the ground and shoot's bright holy magic up from the circle. More than one can be cast.
 Illuminated barrage - Many sigil's appear around behind Seraph, shooting white lazer's of heavenly energy at his foe.
 Holy Luminance -  A bright, blinding white light is emitted from Seraph's cross.
 Godly smite - spears made up fo light energy are shot at the foe, skewering them and then disappearing.
 Meliorate - Seraphim's hands glow with a soft light of healing, able to heal a wide variety of wounds, his strongest healing ability.


+Him frands
+Social media/instagram
+Aesthetic shit
+Coffee shops

-Celestial scum
-When Dynamo insists on looking like a slob
-No. You go back and you put on something nice
-Bratty/demanding people
-Being interrupted when he's doin' important shit
-Dynamo running off to go be with those Celestials??


  • Faithful
  • Forthright
  • Sacastic
  • Moody
  • Charitable
  • Headstrong

Seraphim is an honest and loyal member of the Infernal. Seraphim will never turn down anyone in need of assistance, in fact he sees it as his duty to help those who really need him. Through Seraph's actions, one could consider him the very definition of good. He's helpful, good-willed and cares greatly for others. He is not 100% pure, however. He's also has a hate and vengeance that consumes him. Though Seraph is so acutely 'good', he doesn't show any mercy or kindness to Celestial, really he hates them and doesn't understand how they can ever get along. He tolerates a few simply for Dynamo's sake, but otherwise his attitude is as vicious as it gets. Seraph is also pretty sarcastic and mouthy. He will always voice his opinion if he has one, and he's got kind of an attitude problem. This gets on the nerves of other Infernal now and then, but he'll apologise if he realises he's gone out of line. He really can't be swayed when he's got his heart set on something or an opinion and really has to learn his lessons himself. However Seraph really is loyal when i comes to his friends and those he's close to. He's a playful sort and only wants to see them safe. Of course it's kind of hard when your best friend is Dynamo but ehhh what are you going to do.


Dynamo: Dynamo is Seraph's best friend. Though he's as much of a pain in the ass as he is a joy to be around. When Dynamo joined, Seraph honestly though he was the most annoying thing in existence, but then Seraph was also kind of a stick in the mud. Since then Dynamo has brought Seraph out of his shell and very well could be to blame for the boy's constant sarcasm. Seraph is always grateful for Dynamo for shoving him out into the world and opening his mind (coughalbeitnotenoughitseems), and generally just hanging around when he admittedly wasn't the most friendly. They act pretty buddy-buddy now and get along wonderfully, always hanging out when they have time. Though Dyamo's almost constantly raising the boy's anxiety levels through the roof with his antics and his willingness to just be near Celestials, Seraph can't find it in his harto to hate the guy.  

Noble: Noble is highly respected, but also kind of a pain in the ass. Seraph sees Noble as a leader and is always willing to follow his command in battle. He hates it when the guy gets pushy, but he tries to get past it for the good of the team. Sometimes he succeeds, and other time he doesn't. They do get along outside of battle, and of course they're in the same group of friends, so they talk and hang out rather often.

Mirage: Mirage is kind of lazy, kind of stand-offish, but that's fine enough. He respects her as a combatant and as a friend. They often text each other cute pictures and share names of cute shops that they've seen. Both claiming to be Dynamo's 'bestie' isn't really as much of a strain on their friendship as you'd think, it's kind of like a harmless rivalry. Of course Mirage has got him beat a hundred times over, but don't tell him that.

Aura: Aura is obnoxious and annoying, but also rather...cute? She's got a fire almost as strong as Dynamo's and she's always trying to puch him to do things he would really rather not. Of course they talk clothes a lot, though their styles are completely different. They often try and force Dynamo to wear something other than black jeans and dark hoodies. to some success tbh.

Ghost: Ghost is a little off-putting, but that doesn't mean that Seraph dislikes the guy. In fact it's rather the opposite. Sure the doom and gloom can get a bit repetitive after a while, but they also find things that they both like and sometimes they're seen hanging out together for funsies.

Leonardo Nickolas: Don't get Seraph started on Leo, don't you start because Seraphim hates the guy boy howdy. Not only has Leo 'stolen' Dynamo from him, but he's a Celestial, has a poor attitude and really Seraph just can't stand him. Of course he does for Dynamo's sake, but it takes more effort than he friend will ever know.

Theme/ transformation/battle: 
Ververg - Ani

History: - 


   ◉ Goes to a local church and volunteers there at least once a week, is familiar with a few faces because of such things.
   ◉ Churches also simply bring him comfort, so he frequents them often, also to pay respects to his old church.
   ◉ Likes going to the park and taking pictures of random shit, like animals and trees and anything that just looks neat.
   ◉ Really isn't fond of being alone, actually.
   ◉ Doesn't feel he's 'worth' being portrayed as an angel, though the decision was probably subconscious. But tries his best.
   ◉ I mean he doesn't really succeed, but i'll give him credit for effort.
   ◉ Works as a barista at a coffee shop just to get out of the house.
   ◉ Pretty much just likes to keep himself busy.
   ◉ Out of transformation, he can't see shit without his glasses.