Daniel Balcheque (RP - SweetsFactory)



6 years, 3 months ago



NameDaniel BalchequeCalledDaniel
Height5'8"BuildLean yet muscular


MotivationSelf-reliance; Working hard for his brotherGoalsWork his way up to a favorable spot
  • Easy-Going
  • Supportive
  • Charismatic
  • Protective
  • Two-Faced
  • Sarcastic
  • Pessemistic
  •   Selfish
  • Self-Loathing
  • His Brother, Ryder
  • Theatre - Singing, Acting, the whole shebang
  • Cheesecake - If he could live off this stuff, he would
  • Cooking/Baking
  • Children
  • Turtlenecks
  • Jogs
  • Games 
  • Fighting
  • Trains
  • Nicknames
  • Immaturity (Well, when it's in-congruent to one's age)
  • Hair cuts
  • Shorts/Shortsleeves
  • Drama (Y'know, like, commotions, not theatre- that's covered above)
  • Waking up early
  • PDA (Gross, get a room)
  • The Wealthy/Greedy
  • Public Bathrooms
  • Phonecalls
  • Sharp/Pointy Objects (Knives, Needles, etc.)
  • Anything hurting his brother
  • Things he doesn't know about/The unexpected
  • Succumbing to Crystalization/Becoming Helpless
  •  Tan Skin
  •  Scattered "scars" here and there 
  •  Wild, untamed golden hair and bright, golden eyes


  • Quick Mind
  • Physical Strength
  • Silver Tongue
  • Judgmental
  • Coordination / Agility
  • Disorganized
  •   Questions Authority
  • Empathizing
PowerAreas of Daniel's body that are injured will rapidly heal over with crystal-like toffee scabs that further harden into permanent scars. Downside is this happens to literally any injury that breaks tissue - externally and internally - from as slight paper cuts to the more major injuries. The hardened areas are much more durable than the rest of him and unlikely to be re-injured, though he does lose feeling in those spots.  ItemsTHE EXTRA MIGHTY TOFFEE HAMMER 2.0
House/Car Keys
Level 1 Security Badge


Before the Factory

    The story of the Balcheques started in the sugar-scraped slums of Tanim, where a young couple were doing all they could to find happiness together despite their struggles and rough starts. Even if they lived in the squalor of society, they could find happiness in each other, right? Well, sure...and in the surprising arrival to their small family. While neither were aiming for a child to raise considering their financial status, neither had the heart to give the child up either, so Daniel was welcomed into the world. Life only became that much harder with a new mouth to feed, and even harder still two years later when they had another child together, another little boy for their household. They had to pull every favor they had left to find someone to help watch the kids as they slaved away at their jobs just to get food on the table for them. For most of his childhood, Daniel only ever caught passing glimpses of his parents jumping from one shift to the next, or collapsing to bed at night, or day, or whenever they managed to catch a break.
    It was a frustrating life, but one Daniel found himself getting used to as the years went on. As the boys grew older, Daniel ended up stepping into the role of guardian for his little bro, Ryder, filling the hole his parents left empty for them. Because, hell, someone had to while those two were floundering around trying to get their lives together, and once Daniel was old enough to pull his own weight, well, external childcare suddenly no longer became an option. By the age of 10, he'd taken over the domestics for the house - the cooking, the cleaning, walking Ryder to school, helping him with his homework, etc. He should've hated his little bro for being such a pain to take care of, for making him go nights without eating just to make sure the little bud didn't have to go hungry, or for being so stupidly optimistic when they were barely scraping by, but...he couldn't. He just couldn't and he couldn't explain to anyone else why. With no one else around to lean on, Daniel clung to the one ray of light he could see and protected it fiercely. No one messed with his little bro and got away with it.
    Not to say he didn't find time for himself - oh, hell no, no one was taking that from him. During his middle school years this translated into joining a juvenile gang of thieves from the neighborhood. It's not like he could earn money legally at that age anyways, so he justified it for himself as bringing home the bread in his own ways. And if he happened to bring home a toy or game he or his bro would like, eyy, that was a bonus. That fun ended when the cops finally managed to break up the gig they had going, and Daniel didn't want to risk getting himself personally caught to stay with the boys any longer. While it was kind of relieving to not put on an act with lying about his double life any more...damn, he kind of missed putting on an act and lying to the world. There was a sort of irresistable thrill that came with it that broke up the drudgery of home life. Luckily come high school, Daniel discovered a much more socially acceptable way to do so - Drama club. While he initially signed up on a dare, it quickly became a passion for him. There was always the small hope that maybe he could pursue the stage after he graduated, perhaps on a scholarship or something, but he'd learned very early not to trust in dreams to come true. When finding enough money to buy grocieries at the end of the week was up in the air, how could he ever even slightly consider the thought of college? And who'd look after Ryder while he was off? Not his parents, that was for sure. So Daniel begrudgingly gave up his dreams once more, diving straight into any minimum wage job he could land once he'd graduated.
    Honestly, he hadn't even considered the factory a possibility for a long time - people like him didn't belong there, surely. But after getting laid off at the end of yet another seasonal term, well, he figured - what the heck? If he was rejected, that was just another tossed application that he'd put behind him. And by the miracle that he DID manage to get in, he was guarenteed a much finer pay check than what he'd been putting up with all this time. Needless to say he was more than a little shocked to find out he'd qualified for their security department and, with a little persuasion from his bro, quickly moved the family to the better life that awaited them within the Laeta Sector.

At The Factory


Post Factory Life

We haven't gotten here yet folks. 


AlignmentChaotic NeutralEnnegramWIP
Sin7 deadly sinsVirtue7 heavenly virtues
