


2 years, 10 months ago


A sweet and kind little leopard gecko that's become the apprentice to an eccentric and vain wizard that's much more worried about Tadpole's sense of fashion than teaching them anything about magic!  But that doesn't mean little Tadpole is deterred, quite the opposite!  Just happy to have somewhere to go and someone to come home to, little Tadpole spends their days doing absolutely everything they can to bring joy and love to all of the travelers of the distant woodlands they now call their new home, including their reluctant wizard teacher that may or may not have a growing soft spot for this overeager little thing that keeps trying to cook him meals when he forgets what time it is

Tadpole is a magical little thing that loves everything about potions and magic and does everything with the help of their familiars, Bunny the hedgehog-turtle and their little tadpole companions that they always carries on a giant water jar on their back!  Tadpole uses their little tadpole friends to create water-made creatures piloted by the tadpoles in their heads, and Tadpole's teacher may just be extremely jealous at this level of magical ability