


7 months, 17 days ago



1. Miracle (Feat. Casey Lee Williams) by Jeff Williams
2. Uncontrollable - Xenoblade Chronicles X OST
3. I Hear A Symphony = Cody Fry
4. Photograph - Cody Fry
5. Love Like You (feat. Rebecca Sugar)
6. Stronger Than You - Steven Universe
7. Drifting Soul - Xenoblade Chronicles 2 OST

Lucy is an unsound gladiator of the Syndicate Novateam, being its 7th member. She is a energetic and warm person who is trying to find her place after forgoing family for so long. She and serves as a main character within the story of Syamo and an antagonist within the Initiation Arc.

General Info
Name: Lucy Fiadh
Nicknames: Lus (by Syn)
Creation Date: October 17th 2021
BirthplaceGrace Fields
Species: Sollan
  Race: Sorian
     Ethnicity: Grace Fields
Height: 5'9

Current Residence: Solaria
Solaris Gladiator
Solaris Rank: Unsung
Relationship status: Taken
Social status: 
The dual defender and attacker to her team

Distinguishing features
Lucy is a slightly-plump purple stick with curvy features, she has bright green eyes with 2 prominent eyelashes, and deep bluish purple hair tied up in a messy flared up bun, its held together by a small orange band that can be seen peaking at the top of her head. She wears a dark indigo jacket with a lighter lapel that reaches the bottom and around her jacket.

When using her aura armor she will physically emit light and shine a bright orange yellow.

Likes: Naps, Ramen, Meat, Chicken
Dislikes: Mushrooms, Slimy foods, Feeling tired, Rain
Fears: Fire, Enclosed spaces, Being alone, Ghosts
Hobbies/past times: Listening to music
Guilty pleasures: Showers, Chewing on things
Pet peeves: Being treated as stupid, Being treated like a child
Personal goals: To protect those she's close to
Religious values: Belief in the Serene goddess
General intelligence: Average
General sociability: Average

Lucy is a kind and warm girl who acts on emotion and shows loyalty to those she's close to. She's very compassionate to those she grows close to, but to others outside of her know she will often not respond or give basic responses. Lucy has a strong desire to protect others, usually by fighting for them or helping them so they don't get hurt. She can sometimes seem stubborn in her decisions and has a hard time explaining why she acts as such, but will follow through to the best of her ability. Being a bit emotional and headstrong it can be hard to shake her out of these notions or decisions. Lucy often gets herself to laugh at her jokes and her laugh can be highly infectious and often gets other people laughing when she starts laughing or wheezing. 

Sollan Adaptation
Lucy growing up in a small quiet town just wanted to be able to create wonders for her younger sister, so when crafting her adaptation she formed something that would allow her to create any object she could think of, so that she could do anything her sister would want. She was able to hone this power and use it for use in combat quite well, but she still does like using it for softer things.

Adaptation: Aura Manipulation
Lucy can form and manipulate her aura, wielding it in a sense to mimic physical objects, oftentimes weaponry or armor. Her aura pool allows her to sustain these objects for a decent amount of time.

Aura Armor
Not often but she forms a tanky set of armor that can take more hits then Lucy usually can, often pairing it with her signature spear and an added shield it makes her quite formidable but only for a shorter time.

Growing up and having to use her adaptation on wild animals to survive she is adept enough to have a strong endurance for her abilities to feed off of.

Aura Usage 
Lucy's aura comes at the cost of her own vitality and the more she uses and forms, the faster she will tire herself out. She can replenish her Aura by sleeping, eating, or relaxing.

Lucy's Concentration 
Lucy's aura requires her to keep some concentration to form her Aura into the things she requires. If she loses concentration her aura formations can shatter or fade.

Lucy's Mood
Lucy's mood can effect how she uses her aura, if she's distressed she will use more aura than needed and use her vitality quicker than she should.



Samantha - Mother - Deceased
Adonis - Father - Deceased
Sylvia - Sister - Lost during The Red Storm, Lucy strives to find her sister one day, if she's still alive.


Arthis - Respects his protective nature and loves his joyous kind side, as well learns off his skills with armor, as she isn;t a master with armor she tries to take notes of how he uses it and asks him questions throughout
Marthra - Respects her as a leader as well as a weapon smith, regards her opinion on the variety of weapons she uses as something to take note of and internalize. Eventually taking note and learning off of her skills with her spear.
Rozah - Lucy loves being around Rozah, she always finds her fun and a joy to be around. As well she considers her a trustworthy individual that she can and will rely on, Rozah is someone she finds to be pure so she wouldn't go back on a promise nor be mean about the problems that arise, as well she enjoys Rozah's music often humming to it.
Neo - Finding a common ground in the silence she lets Neo be and trusts him to have good judgement, She often seeks consul with him if and when she needs a blunt source of information or someone to give it to her straight. A great source and she considers a very good friend.
- Lucy regards Luma as a kind but shy girl, she would like to get to know her more but doesn't try to pry into her work out of both respect and worry that she is intruding on Luma's space but she admits that Luma deep down is a kind soul that she is very glad is on the team, both for her tech and her personality.
Ivan - She finds his very chaotic and loud energy interesting, not good nor bad, he reminds her a bit of a younger version of herself. Though she can find some of his jokes groan worthy and wishes he would stop, though on the odd time where he has a good joke she can find herself laughing along despite his incorrigible sense of humor.
Soren - While he is a bit stern she likes having Soren around as another varied view on the team, she respects his opinion whenever he decides to give it. Often giving another leader like position that can give the team a good plan, his plans may not always work out or get shot down but it is good to have someone to challenge the leader.

Love interest

Syndah - Originally finding Syndah as a great training partner due to their similar Auras she slowly grew closer to the high spirited and very kind nature, she found herself falling for the gal. Unexpectedly at first she tried to deny it and keep the friendship as it was but the constant compliments and such to Lucy got her to work up the courage after one mission she had kissed Syndah, both growing Syn's feelings as well as her own, as well finally admitting the feelings shes kept in for a while growing her love for Syndah. Finding someone she can truly connect with as well through aura and mind she has a harder time behind a part from Syndah after the admission of feelings, more than previously.

Equinox - She considers them a unique rival, they even offered her a position on her team before she decided on Novateam. She tries to keep up with a few of its members but is hit or miss.

Tarmiah - She considers Tarmiah a very odd person, being the 2nd introduction to Zephyrs and the first harpy she often finds Tarmiah to be too brash and rude to be a team leader, often finding the way she leads as well as comparing herself to other syndicates a bit mean.
Nanna - While not knowing the circumstances as to why she is so shy and skittish she still tries to help her feel comfortable and be able to give her little toys to brighten her day, the most she can do is form aura based fidget toys or wisps made of aura to give her something to focus on
Verun - Respecting him as a big brother for Nanna, while she also doesn't know a ton about Verun she can feel his purity in trying to protect his little sister and finds that endearing. Enough she strikes up conversations during team up missions sometimes.

Stellar Centauri - Having a friendly rivalry with some members within Stellar Centauri she enjoys going on missions with them, as well sparing with the likes of Mito

Mito - A counter to her aura, she finds something new every time they spar or fight to be a new challenge, while not the traditional fighter she is used to she enjoys the way she goes into her topics, and is glad to know her though she does still consider her a heavy rival and treats her as such.

Force Squad Delta - Considers them a thorn in Novateam's side always butting in when they least expect it.

Xordun'Rubiko - Rubiko and Lucy are often evenly matched when they're fighting, she sees her as a true challenge anytime they have to fight. Both fighting using the craft they formed, and both fighting for their friends.


Originally born in 2527 AoS to Samantha and Adonis Fiadh in the small trade town of Elmont she grew up with her little sister Sylvia in a small home where her parents worked within the village to provide. Right before Lucy reached the age of 13, The Red Storm happened, during this event the Daemon Evelyn both of Lucy's parents died and left Lucy alone under her burning house. Eventually escaping after her village and everyone in it had died, she lived on her own for multiple years. Eventually moving to Solaria when she turned 18 she lived and worked there till finally deciding to join Solaris in 2550 AoV.

Canon History

Other Details

Lucy is a character made off of Cier Lucy but has grown to fit as a fully fledged character, becoming now the definitive Lucy.

Lucy is more saturated in pallet compared to Cier Lucy.