Feli Joldea



3 years, 1 month ago


Meta Info


  • AGE 500+
  • BIRTHDAY July 28th
  • SPECIES Sei'se
  • HEIGHT 5'6
  • WEIGHT 220 Lbs
  • GENDER Female, she/they

    A little bonkers
    Key lime pie enthusiast
    Has tinnitus
    Just a little silly sometimes ♥



Joldea is a young Sei'se from a prestigious family. As an only child, she was expected to carry on her mothers' boutique, but Joldea set her sights on more ambitious means. Joldy is not a physical fighter, preferring more tactical methods to her means. And she showcased that perfectly for Mother to gift her Zienna.

Joldy is currently deadset on wiping Zienna clean to remove it from a dangerous pocket of space-time, but she's also having her own fun with it. She doesn't see the creatures on Zienna as sentient beings, but rather as we would see bugs. Things to be cleaned away so she can start anew.

Joldea is determined to prove Mistress that she was always wrong about the young Sei'se.



Joldea loves freely, but she's cautious. She takes a very long time to warm up to new people, preferring to treat everyone like an enemy until proven otherwise. But once she's decided you're on her side, she is very open about showing her love.

She's very physically affectionate, preferring to give hugs and kisses and snuggles to any other way of showing love, even in public. It's not uncommon to see Joldea and her friends running around the mall with her clinging to them and the whole bunch laughing happily.

Joldea does not hate openly, however. She hides her hate with an iron grip to everyone but Zienna. If another Sei'se has harmed her or her friends or family in any way, she will quietly stew with it. Probably plotting their murder for months on end until suddenly its all over the news that they are dead, and no one can find the culprit. And she will feign grief, the whole deal.


Joldea is extremely tactful, and logic-oriented. She tends to be two steps ahead of everyone around her, which is both a blessing and a curse. It comes back to bite her when she gets cocky and misses smaller details, often leading to her getting her butt kicked. But when she does take the time to slow down, she's frighteningly smart.


Joldy's driven by her ambitions and will stop at nothing to reach them. From rising up the ranks of society to starting Zienna over, she will do anything and everything in her power to reach her goals. Even if that means backstabbing and manipulative tactics.



Joldea was raised by two high-end-well-known botique owners, Feli Saffron and Feli Onyx. Under her mothers' care, Joldea became a just as well known as them. Though for different reasons. From a young age, Joldea was rebelious and outspoken in her opinions, often questioning authority to the point of constantly getting in trouble. Despite this, Joldea threw herself into her studies and excelled in everything she put herself to. But especially causing a ruckus.

From a young age Joldea quickly made enemies with the Council, and the head of the Council, Mistress. Joldy would constantly butt heads with the older Sei'se, and has personally experienced Mistress' death and life feathers from a young age. Despite her mothers' protests and attempts to gain a different punishment. Joldea simply braced herself for it each time, and eventually it became less of a punishment and more of a hassle to deal with. This lead to Joldea learning how to be more tactful in her little mischeif plans, allowing her to hide herself as the culprit behind various misdeeds.


By the time Joldea had officially come of age in Sei'se society, she had mellowed out somewhat from her rebellious streak as a child. She still created all sorts of mischief, but she was better at hiding it. Better at creating alibis, and better at seemingly staying out of trouble. She quickly became quite popular among her peers, and even the Council eased up on her. Joldy was in her prime.

A Sei'se known as Mother approached her during this time, asking her if she'd like to take over Zienna. Of course, Joldea said YES instantly. Her own world to rule and protect? Without having to go through the Council and Mistress? Count her in!

Mother helped Joldea get settled with taking care of Zienna over the next few weeks. It took a lot more work to keep a world of fragile creatures alive than Joldea initially thought, but she threw herself into it with a firey passion. Zienna was her world now and she would be damned if she didn't take good care of it.


The only thing that stopped Joldea from continuing to take care of Zienna for the rest of time was an unstable pocket of space-time. Joldea has never figured out how it happened, but she woke up one day to find her little world in danger of being wiped out in this pocket of space-time. Unsure as to what to do, she disguised herself as a Ziennian and frantically established the Dimension Guardians.

Initially, the Dimension Guardians was intended to protect Zienna from negative affects of the unstable pocket of space-time. She established the DG with General Kirstin Noel, and helped her train up troops to protect the planet. After the DG was properly established, Joldea turned her sights to researching the cause of the pocket of space-time and how she could keep her world safe.


Her research got her absolutely nowhere, and she eventually decided, heck, may as well start over. Wipe out the life on the planet, move it out of the pocket of space-time to somewhere safer, and get Mother to help her start again. To her it was the most logical course of action.

To Joldea's utter shock, the little fragile creatures of Zienna were incredibly resiliant, and fought against her consistent attempts to wipe the planet clean. With this news, Joldea fought harder to clear the planet of life so she could save it. This was her planet and she was not going to let a bunch of mortal weaklings fighting against her stop her from keeping the planet safe.


When the story starts, Joldea has just made herself known to the Ziennians and is starting her first attacks on the Districts to clear them. She comes across as more of a villian than someone with good intentions but misguided actions. No one on Zienna really likes the idea of Joldea wiping the planet of life, understandably.


Her mortal enemy for lack of a better term. She hates Mistress' guts and wishes she could just slap the uppity Sei'se with a black feather and be done with it.


A thorn in her side that keeps besting her in battles. Winter isn't even from Zienna! She shouldn't be here!


She does have respect for the young General for pushing through the corruption of the Dimension Guardians to turn it into something good, and she's tried to steer him into leading some Ziennians off the planet so she can at least keep some alive. He hasn't quite taken the bait yet no matter what she does.


Her attempts to tear the whole planet apart from the inside. Joldea hoped she could jumpstart the process for herself but that proved harder to actually accomplish than first thought...

3:06 AM

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