Yog Wilshere



2 years, 9 months ago


Devon George Wilshere, known as:
Yog Wilshere
bassist of Banshee's Cry

>>playlist (with songs that fit his vibe and are songs he would "canonically" listen to)

- the mum friend™, does his best to look after the others and make sure they eat something once in a while and maybe drink something that does not include alcohol
- says "i'm gonna fucking kill him" a lot for someone who is actually not very prone to violence at all
- a very likeable person, easily gets along with people
- Stressed™️
- is sweet and kind, but not to the point where people can take advantage of said kindness. he has no problem telling people off.
↳ he does not take any shit and does not allow people to (unwarranted) shit on his friends either
- *sighs and looks straight at the camera like he's on the office*
- is Very immune to iona's puppy dog eyes

Relationship with the others in the band:

- as teenagers they went to the same school and became close friends when they found a common interest in music
- never really disagrees or fights, and always back each other up
- certified Bros™

- while the others don't bother correcting or calling iona out when he's being unreasonable or rude to people, yog always tells him off
- yog is the only one it the band who dares to bring up iona's struggle with mental health (when anyone else mentions it Iona only gets angry and refuses to talk), and he does his best to help him

- roan was the last one to join the band, and by the time he joined the others had been together for years and were already tight-knit. and while the others were a bit slow to warm up to the new member, yog went out of his way to make sure roan felt like a part of the group

- yog and bane are the two oldest in the band, and they both see it as their responsibility to look after the others (tho their ideas of what 'look after' means are pretty,, different)
- often have entire conversations without actually speaking, by just using pointed looks and face expressions instead