


2 years, 8 months ago



🌤️Beat is a vagabond who ran away from his home after years of dismissiveness about his gender identity, leading to general neglect. He states he lives for the present, though he seems to daydream about a future more than he wants to admit.
🌤️Beat's body is sun-bleaching from the inside-out. As the light spreads to his skin, the affected area stiffens to the point where it acts as if asleep. Beat can ward off this effect by moving around and keeping his emotional state relaxed.
🌤️Beat runs for pleasure and to cope with their frustrations. Their worst fear is of growing old and feeling they've missed out on things as simple as moving around, tasting, seeing, hearing, or breathing with ease.
🌤️Beat is outwardly passionate and a bit dramatic. He treasures nature and the sky, whispering under his breath to the sun, clouds, and stars.
🌤️After trusting the sun with their life, they found it to grow brighter and brighter, feeling a soft, billowing wave of heat and light overwhelm their senses from front to back, leaving their muscles so weak that they collapsed. Since this incident, they've found themselves to be permanently changed.
🌤️Their eyes no longer see correctly. The sun's light overpowered them so much that their sight is permanently faulted - Shaded and indoor areas have a constant dull tint and darkness becomes near impossible to see in. They describe it as if they looked at the sun too long and their eyes never got re-adjusted. Beat's vision is clearest on bright days.
🌤️He's very affectionate to Brad, shy in his crush for him, though mutual. He tends to initiate conversations and isn't afraid to ask about difficult topics. Luckily for him, Brad enjoys the excitement.


🌤️Beat's name comes from a few sources - the beating of a heart and the beat of music. With Beat's running motif, I figured it to be a suiting name.
🌤️Before their incident with the sun, Beat's hair was black and their eyes were dark brown.
🌤️Beat is Japanese-American, their mom's side from Okinawa and their dad's side from Idaho.
🌤️Identifying as nonbinary, Beat finds the most comfort in clothing that confuses people from a distance. He's worn the same binder for years, and while losing some of its tightness, it's now quite worn-in and comfortable. He doesn't mind it.
🌤️Originally, Beat was going to be some sort of apparition in a woodland with a swamp. After finding no good reason for a forest spirit to find its way to Brad's apartment, I changed him to a human under an unfortunate circumstance...