Errol Alert



6 years, 9 months ago



Overall a fairly standard king cheetah, other than his vibrant green eyes and distinct green under-eye coloration, both indicative of his Gifted nature. Pale tawny base with a light cream underbelly and dark brown markings.


Positive 》Errol tries his best to inspire ambition amongst his peers, even in the most horrible situations, to a point where his complete lack of panic in extremely desperate situations could be considered unsettling or strange, or apathetic.
Errol almost obsessively tells the truth. He will expose his inner most thoughts like they're nothing, keeping a constant narrative to anyone who cares to listen.

Socially Inept Errol is considered 'strange' or 'not right' by most. He seems to be unpractised with talking to others in a social setting. His extreme honesty can make him come off as rude, and he can sometimes say strange, odd or rude things without noticing. He is aware that he does this, but is unable to stop himself.

 Poor Liar Whenever Errol does lie, usually to save himself in a social situation, it's very obvious. His pupils shrink to pinpricks, he smiles nervously, and all around exudes a manic aura.
Self-Deprecating Errol thinks very lowly of himself - this, combined with his extreme honesty, can lead to some very uncomfortable situations whenever he messes up. 


  • His favorite food is crunchy things. Insects, small prey, burnt food, etc.
  • He was originally a FeralHeart roleplay characer.


Description/details about outfit 1. Image is 374x788.


Description/details about outfit 2. Image is 374x788.


Description/details about outfit 3. Image is 374x788.


The ability to create sentient beings from glass and in any shape so long as it mimics a creature Errol has seen.
Golems that are smaller than those who command them will always obey.

  • Golems can be made from solid glass, or made to be hollow, or a mix. Hollow golems are faster, lighter, and can contain liquid or other things, but are more fragile.
  • Golems can be taught. Upon creation, they have a basic understanding of language and words, and commands must be simple. "Get water," "empty out," "go there," "follow me," etc. Their intelligence can be considered close to a 3-year-old, but they learn quickly, both by observation and tutoring.

Being made of what they are, they are usually fragile and unsuitable for extended combat or hard use.
Golems that are bigger than those who command them may disobey. As he describes, "they are sentient, sort of- they're just far more inclined to listen to you than themselves. When they're smaller than you."
Golems can be killed by breaking a seal on their forehead. They will continue to live until this happens.

Errol can make golems out of crystal, but as they would be far more durable and powerful if they get out of hand, he's usually too scared to. If he does make them, they're always very small.
Errol can not shatter golems like he would other glass or crystal; he must contact their forehead to do so.
Golems can speak if given a mouth. Usually Errol doesn't, unless it's requested.

The ability to create and manipulate glass. Previously-made glass can be freely recycled.
He has the ability to levitate glass materials, though it is only strain-free to do so slowly- think walking speed. Any faster will cause a mental strain and eventual headache.

In order to create glass cost-free, sand must be nearby. If there is no or not enough sand, the creation draws on stamina, and overuse may cause vomiting, loss of vision, and loss of consciousness, much like when one is overworked.

Errol frequently makes containers for easier transportation of herbs and liquid.
He also loves planting and growing things in glass.
If he has access to stone, lava (or any other heat source sufficient for melting stone,) and water, he can also create obsidian, as obsidian is a glass.


The ability to create and manipulate crystals. Previously-made crystals can be freely recycled.
He has the ability to levitate crystal materials, though it is only strain-free to do so slowly- think walking speed. Any faster will cause a mental strain and eventual headache.

  • Creation heavily draws on stamina, overuse may cause vomiting, loss of vision, and loss of consciousness.
Errol can create less crystal than he can glass based on his stamina alone, so usually goes with glass for most things.
He keeps an orb of crystal material and slowly adds to it when he has nothing to spend his energy on, giving him a reservoir of sorts if he needs crystal material for anything. This orb is levitated for transportation and can be freely drawn off of when crystal matter is needed- think of pulling off a piece from a ball of play-doh.
He is very protective over the orb- not out of sentimental value, but because he fears another crystallokinetic user stealing it, due to tedium in making another.
Regardless of material or density, he can will crystal to shatter when he makes contact with it.

Errol dislikes fighting and hurting others and prefers to avoid combat as much as he can, and if forced, is more prone to rither lay down and submit or run rather than fight back. But if it's his life or the other, he can force himself to fight. How he responds in a fight depends on what materials and of what quantity he has access to.

In an ideal location, such as on a beach or other abundantly sandy area, Errol will respond more defensively, forming shields and other deflecting moves, while making occasional jabs if he has to. More than anything, he wants the battle to cease. If the opponent is undeterred he'll form a dome of outward-facing glass shards to protect himself. If even this fails and the opponent is determined enough to find or force a way through, Errol will finally respond offensively, attacking with long shards of glass flying through the air, aiming for crippling areas- the feet, knees, elbows, and- as a last resort- the eyes. He may also launch tiny shards of glass- powder, essentially- in the face of his opponent.

In a less ideal location, Errol will be quicker to fight as his resources are smaller. He may defend himself with a dome of glass shards, but not as densely as in an ideal location. He'll focus on disabling or slowing the opponent enough to escape, aiming almost exclusively for the aforementioned crippling areas- and isn't so adverse to the eyes.
In an awful location, such as with an utter lack of sand, Errol will be in a constant state of last resort. He will primarily utilize crystals and his orb, and will initially attempt to aim for the crippling areas- though depending on circumstances may aim for anything, trying to impale or maim his opponent with long, nearly unbreakable spears of crystal.

Outside of his powers, as is characteristic of cheetahs, he will fight by biting, tearing out the fur, and attempting strangulation.

Errol was born in Emeredite from Emereditian parents, and Gifted with magic. Because of the seal on magic, he was unable to learn any more about his gifts, and believed himself to be gifted with luck. Because of this, he attributes every bad thing that happens to him to be a sort of 'penance' - bad luck equalizing out his good luck, a quest that seems ineffective due to his extreme moments of both great and horrible luck.

As he grew up, he became obsessed with once more balancing his luck. He would put himself in harm's way, letting terrible things happen to him in the name of this venture. His greatest moment of horrible luck was the death of his entire family during the Third Great War. He believed this to be the time his luck truly balanced.

Soon after he met Early - a Tuaruan man who he very quickly fell in love with due to his optimism. Years after, when he learned Early reciprocated these feelings, he believed this to be an overbalance of good luck, and though allowing himself to indulge in a relationship, eventually getting married to Early, forever condemned himself, believing that meeting this man was an overbalance so great he would never equalise. 

Though old, he did partake in the final battle against the Toymaster. He died with Early in a euphoric state, thinking that with his death and his possession his luck had finally balanced out.



Hover over a ribbon to see it's meaning.
Ribbons ]

main theme - HARLEY POE 



TOTAL VALUE AS OF 00 MON 2020: $00.00 

  • You can change these rules, these are just my personal ones.
  • Pieces by me are based on my commission prices at the time the piece was made.
  • Pieces by others are based on their commission prices. If none, they'll be based on mine.
  • Art trades are added as the artist's commission value.
  • Commissions are added as the price paid.
  • Gifts are not added unless the artist specifically says I can do so.
    • It can be argued that the art shouldn't be rendered worthless just because it wasn't paid for, but it can also be argued that it's not very good to profit off of free art. This is my compromise. If you have made gift art of my character and wish for me to add it to their value, please let me know!
    • Received permission from:
ArtistTypeValueReceived asDate
@usernameReference (3x Fullbodies)$00.00Commission11 Jan 2020

"It's okay. I would hate me too. No, you don't need to lie to make me feel better. It's okay. Am I making you uncomfortable? I'm so sorry. I'll go sit in the corner now."

Full name Errol Alert
Pronounced eh-roll
Species Sursum Cita (cheetah)
Age Adult (age unknown)
Birthday 5th of Hessian
Sex Male
Gender Cis (He/Him)
Orientation Homoromantic Asexual
Height 2'3" (shoulder)
Weight 50lbs
Hometown/BirthplaceBeaconmeny, Emeredite
Residence Ele Desouthe







Magic prof.


Character Name[ Label. Friend, enemy, etc. ]
Thoughts on them.

Character Name[ Label. Friend, enemy, etc. ]
Thoughts on them.

Meta information

Profile Complete
Art Priority Low
Gift Art Accepting
Gift Content Blood ✔
Gore ✔
Nudity ✘
Acquisition Purchase [$4}
Status Not for trade/sale
Character Type Original
Universe SCCU
Importance Very low
Creation 20 Aug 2017
Creator Rules ToS
Template </>
Closet </>
Value </>
Background </>
Footer </>

Any notes about the palette.

primary #E4D3BB
secondary #3B332B
tertiary #F2E6D1
accent #75CA61
eye #659E50
paws/claws #171614