


6 years, 8 months ago


Penelope Lastname| 20 (2/03/2000) ◉ Female ◉ Chaos Mage ◉ Single ◉ Mixed American ◉ Eminem - Lose Yourself Remix ◉ Focus? Don't Know Her™
Nickname(s)| Nepotism (nothing to do with actual nepotism; first it was Nel then it got mispronounced into Nep then someone commented how it reminded them of nepotism and the nickname stuck)

Familiar| Ball python named Cake, zero braincells.
Craft| Chaos. An incredibly unstable Craft that can turn out unlucky for many, many witches. Loves it.

Personality| Her priorities are as follows; herself, chaos, and infamy. A user of chaos magics, Penelope doesn't really follow any code and prefers to play by her own rules. Such is needed when working with such an unstable Craft. Her narcissism, however, is something absolutely unneeded but it's there anyway. The whole world should revolve around Penelope and her charmed life, at least that's what she's thinking at any given moment. Not caring what others think of you and just knowing you're the best makes for a free spirit, able to do what she wants when she wants; in other words she attempts to embody the meaning of chaotic. Despite this careless attitude, she has ambitions and even if most of them involve getting super famous or slowly manipulating her way to a council seat, they're still ambitions.

Appearance| Penelope is the tallest, standing at around six foot six, it's way above average for girls but she loves it. She has short, scruffy black hair that lays on a mop atop her head. She is mixed, her skin a light brown. Her eyes are a beautiful brown. Penelope has a tummy pouch and is proud of it, she thinks they're cute. She also has buck teeth, which she insists are all the rage now since they're so damn adorable.
Face Insp;; This Girl

Likes| Herself ◉ Thinking about herself ◉ Smoking a lot of weed and thinking about herself while high ◉ Imagining how cool it would be to be a unicorn ◉ Unicorns ◉ Browsing memes ◉ Eating
Dislikes| Focusing ◉ Others not treating her with respect ◉ Cats ◉ Missing out on something, especially inside jokes
Orientation| Mostly depends on how she's feeling at the moment


Maverick ◉ Best Friend ◉ Has known him the longest, thinks he's a riot.
Flora ◉ Friend ◉ Listens to her, like, a fourth of the time which is more than anyone else could say.
Gilmore ◉ Friend ◉ Really cool to hang out with, even if his Craft is barely illegal.
Angelica ◉ Friend ◉ Bitch.

Additional Information| Yes she's wearing a Loss shirt, Gilmore made it for her ◉ She owns so many meme shirts and wears them unironically, her friends are embarrassed to be seen with her ◉ When guessing her gender, it's really a 50/50 split between miss and mister (just how she likes it)

Possible Outfits
