Maverick Wilkins



6 years, 9 months ago


Maverick Wilkins| 19 (9/22/2000) ◉ Male ◉ Herbalist Witch  Single ◉ Irish American ◉  Control - Halsey Does Not Care Nor Will He Care™
Nickname(s)| Call him Maverick

Familiar| An obese possum lovingly named Fats.
Craft| Involves hallucinogenic black magics, mostly just grows plants and smokes weed with his friends. Works with various herbs, his specialty is in illusion magic. It’s not a dark magic, per say, and more a looked-down upon profession. He also grows weed.

Personality| Maverick tends to err on the side of apathy, having less inhibitions than the average person. Maverick is an unemotional and inexpressive boy, preferring instead a look of generalized displeasure. Maverick doesn't feel emotions as severely as others do, finding them to be mainly useless in everyday life. The most potent emotions he feels are amusement and physical pain, not that he seeks out physical pain and, in fact, actively avoids it. His coven has chastised him for being overly judgmental while ignoring his own flaws; Maverick sees his own flaws as less bothersome than others. His own flaws won't fuck him over as harshly as others' flaws would, he sees this as a simple fact of life. His judgement is hypersensitive during crises as well, and if he doesn’t see any reason to involve himself he won’t. This may seem like cowardice, and it is, and he doesn’t care. His words are often callous and brunt, seeing no reason to stop himself even if others are getting upset. Though he may not feel affection or attachment to the same effect as his coven does, there is a bond between them. He would not leave him. Freaks people out both accidentally and on purpose.

Appearance| Maverick stands at a below average five foot seven. His hair is ginger red, having two longer strands in the front and short, scruffy hair in the back. His eyes are a bright green. True to the ginger nation, his skin is a blinding white but he only ends up covered in freckles during the summer. His features are gangling and sharp, his face resembling an upside-down triangle with a nose that hooks to the side from multiple breaks. Overall, he's quite skinny, as if he'd never had a good meal in his entire life.
Face Insp;; This Guy

History| WIP

Likes| Weed ◉ Fats (his familiar) ◉ Gardening ◉ His coven to an extent
Dislikes| Exhibiting emotions ◉ Putting in effort ◉ Family values ◉ Mostly everything ◉ His coven to an extent
Orientation| Doesn't really care but has only shown interest in men so gay-leaning

Flora ◉ Friend ◉ Begrudgingly deals with her over energetic nature for the sole fact that her ambitions line up with his vague goals. Respects her.
Gilmore ◉ Friend ◉ Really wishes he'd try to have an IQ higher than 50. Hates him.
Angelica ◉ Friend ◉ Really wishes she'd stop telling him what to do. Hates her.
Penelope ◉ Friend ◉ Really wishes she'd stop giving him wet willies. Hates her.

Mother ◉ Actively dislikes her
Father ◉ Couldn't care less

No one else can really stand him. Sells weed.

Additional Information| Craves the sweet release of death ◉ Secretly appreciative to Gilmore for making his "DIE" sweatshirt

M(orals) ;; Loose and fast, his morals are really whatever suits him at the time.
A(ttitude) ;; His attitude is a rather depressing one, rarely showing any kind of emotion and being a huge Debbie Downer.
V(oice) ;; Scratchy and monotone, not very pleasant sounding.
E(mployment) ;; Growing and selling weed.
R(outine) ;; Wake up, vaguely insult his mother in a way she can't get mad at him for, ignore his dad, check on his plants, go to school if he feels like it, hang out with coven.
I(ntelligence) ;; Average, really. He likes to act that he's smarter than most people, but he's in a bracket most kids his age are.
C(razy Memory) ;; One time instead of brewing a potion with poppies, he did it with poison ivy. Literally no one knows how he made that mistake but all of them were covered in rashes for weeks that ointment didn't help.
K(inks) ;; Don't look at him, touch him, or admit that he exists.

Possible Wardrobe
