🌺Veronica Venturelli ★✦



2 years, 9 months ago


🍵 Basic Info 🍵
Name: Veronica
Nickname(s): Veevee
Age: 42 (born 22nd Sept. 1972)
Height: 5'5
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Nationality: Italian
Likes: reading, writing, working, fashion, board games, photography, cats

Story Overview: One half of the original Venturelli twins: Veronica was always the favourite child, pampered by her parents due to being somewhat of a child prodigy. That came with its downsides however, the expectations put on her by her mother in particular have followed her all her life, she lives in constant fear of letting her down, one mistake is all it could take. Stuck in a miserable but well paying job surrounded by people she hates, Veronica feels trapped, stuck living the life that her mother wants, rather than the one that she wants for herself.
Veronica and her brother have always had a rather...volatile relationship. Having been pitted against each other from the very beginning by their mother, its hard for either of them to shake that competitive attitude, they're prone to being pretty petty towards one another. Veronica in particular isn't afraid to speak her mind. Despite it all though, they do sincerely deeply care for one another, and spend a lot of time together. Nowadays, most of their 'competing' is merely in jest, they just enjoy winding each other up for a laugh