♟Nazareth ★



2 years, 2 months ago


Name: Nazareth
Nickname: Naz
Height: 6'2
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single and ready to mingle
Overview: A spirit of lust, he’s very good at his job. Nazareth is extremely manipulative, he's an expert at sweet talking his way through anything, and has very little regard for others feelings. Trouble seems to follow Naz wherever he goes: he has connections to many unsavoury characters, and will do anything it takes to satisfy his own personal desires. He's very powerful, and he knows it, leading him to be very cocky and careless.
Very few people have had the opportunity to see the real Nazareth, the one beneath all the lies and treachery. One of which was his ex-lover, Mercury. Mercury was madly in love with Naz, they shared a very close bond. Things were perfect, until one day, they weren't. Naz ended things abruptly, leaving Mercury heartbroken, bitter and confused. Ever since then, Naz and Mercury have crossed paths several times as they work for opposing sides, with their relationship being much more volatile. Naz enjoys toying with Mercury, often pestering him and just being a general nuisance. Despite how much he insists he feels nothing for him, its clear to most onlookers that Naz still has somewhat of a soft spot for his ex, and as Mercury begins to move on from him, that starts to become less and less subtle as Naz's jealous side starts to show. If he can't have him, no one can.
Abilities: The majority of Naz's abilities revolve around tricks of the mind, forms of hallucinations. He's able to make people see things that aren't there, making it much easier to fool people and control the narrative around him. He can also disguise his physical form to make it appear as if he's the person that his target desires the most. He can also teleport, being able to appear anywhere at a moments notice, which also makes it much easier for him to escape if things go wrong. He also has the potential to explore and alter peoples memories, though it doesn't work on everybody, people who are heavily guarded are able to shut him out. It's also very physically taxing for him to do, he's only ever done it once successfully.
Though he rarely uses them due to his main tactic being mind games, he also has several offence/defensive abilities, being able to attack and shield himself with his magic. He's very inexperienced at this however, and he knows it, he only uses it as a last resort.