(Shiketsu) Konchumei Shouri (KonchAo)



Basic Info


Konchumei Shouri Ao Mitsudo


16 -> 17 16


Male Female


177cm (5'10) 165cm (5'5)


Pest Control Density


Demisexual Heterosexual


Second Year Shiketsu Student Second Year Shiketsu Student

Short blurb about Character A here. Praesent ac velit vel mi sagittis pulvinar. Etiam lacinia magna sed risus feugiat, imperdiet venenatis leo efficitur. Etiam erat urna, porta at pretium nec, blandit at sem. Aenean tincidunt porta mi, vel imperdiet tellus mattis in. Mauris imperdiet molestie nunc in maximus. Sed ac ex felis. Sed vel lectus sed felis luctus pulvinar quis quis orci. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Short blurb about Character B here. Praesent ac velit vel mi sagittis pulvinar. Etiam lacinia magna sed risus feugiat, imperdiet venenatis leo efficitur. Etiam erat urna, porta at pretium nec, blandit at sem. Aenean tincidunt porta mi, vel imperdiet tellus mattis in. Mauris imperdiet molestie nunc in maximus. Sed ac ex felis. Sed vel lectus sed felis luctus pulvinar quis quis orci. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Layout by teaunicorn | Code by AviCode

Song Title



Konchumei and Ao went to separate schools with Ao going to an all-girls school up until high school while Konchumei went to a regular high school. They met when they were around 10 years old when their schools had a field trip to the same place where Ao who was with her own friends noticed Konchumei by himself while other kids were playing and approached him noticing he was talking to insects and telling to go someplace where they won't get squashed on accident and was curious on why he was talking to bugs and being the shy bean he was he stammered out it was because of his quirk and Ao took a look at his face noticing how different it was from others she knows with his blue skin, black iris, and bug like pupils but still nonetheless didn't think he was weird and invited him play with her and her friends.

Her friends befriend him becoming his first friends and they didn't judge him either.

When it came time for them to leave and go back to their separate schools, Konchumei was curious where she lived if she ever wanted to play again but it wasn't too far with Ao assuring him that they'd see each other again because she wanted to spend more time with him too

They were would be days where Ao's friend would join her but it'd be mostly Ao and Kon spending time together with Ao playing lighthearted jokes on him by using her quirk to turn into liquid and sneak up on him and disappear while Kon would do things with his quirk like call butterflies and ladybugs to them and have them sit on Ao when she's liquid or rest on her head in general.

As they spent time together, they grew closer with Ao liking Konchumei for being 'unique' like her and thought it was sweet how he was gentle despite the way others treat him and liked that he can call forth harmless bugs like butterflies with her Ao quickly starting to see Konchumei as one of her best friends, while Konchumei himself would wind up forming a crush on Ao since she's the first person to treat him like a person. She's always so nice to him, she instantly accepted him, got her friends to accept him and be his friends, she never thought he was weird, she liked spending time with him doing things like going on walks to see different bugs and allowed him to indulge in her own interest and hobbies, she played with him and would defend him if he was picked on in front of her.

Ao was Kon's first true best friend and his crush on her ran DEEP

So time goes by and they spend more time together and grow closer until it's time for them to go to high school. Ao and her two friends Anzu and Hamari are one year apart each

Anzu is one grade above Ao who's one grade above Hamari and since she's going to be on her own a bit without them, Konchumei suggested that THEY go to high school together and applied for a bunch high schools and were accepted into Shiketsu and since Ao had a dream to be a hero with her friends, she's all for it though she struggles since her quirk isn't really fit for fighting like Konchumei's but they get in and Ao does make more friends, she still spends most of her time with Konchumei which does lead to some of their peers assuming they're a couple which Shiketsu has rules against but Ao was insistent that Konchumei was just her best friend and nothing more, something that would hurt his feelings since he's been crushing on her for years at this point and Ao secretly tell him she WANTS to date someone

Though she isn't really attracted to anyone at Shiketsu despite her actions at time suggesting that she has feelings for Konchumei.

Konchumei would become friends with Mina's brother Shinkei who instantly picked up on the fact that Konchumei had a crush on Ao but doesn't chime him for it because he believes Shiketsu can't tell students to shut off their emotions and avoid liking others romantically since that's a human thing to do but, Konchumei would avoid telling Ao how he feels about her because he's worried she'll reject him and things will get awkward between them and their relationship would slowly spiral downwards though this would comeback to bite him when in their second year, Ao would begin dating my OC Kia after the PHL Exam arc which shocks Konchumei because he didn't think Ao was into girls and she never told him such which does leave him heartbroken and start to put some distance between them by talking to her less, avoiding her...and in general refusing her offers to hangout or cancel on traditional hangout plans they usually had which would in turn hurt Ao's feelings since her and Konchumei are spending time together regularly and now he suddenly doesn't want to. Though when talking to Shinkei about it, Konchumei would put this to test:

Either: He loves Ao as much as he says he does, he'll support her since her and if they're meant to be together than they'll happen or if Ao doesn't want to be with him, he should still support her because they've been best friends for years and no matter how much it hurts him, he shouldn't let it end because of this

During this period, Kia notices that Ao is quieter and doesn't seem interested in showing her affection, she would hug and kiss her but it was half-hearted like she had something on her mind with Konchumei and it was constantly making her sad with Kia asking her if it's because she likes him but Ao didn't think that was the case until Shinkei gets involved and overtly tells Ao that Konchumei loves her and always has and it's killing him to see her with another person but he's toughing out because he cares about her THAT much when does break Ao's heart to know her best friend was suffering so much because of her but more so because it put her own feelings into perspective as she thought about it the situation and why SHE was constantly sad because of him;

It made Ao realize her own feelings for Konchumei. It wasn't that she suddenly started to like him because he's not around her as much and she now knows he likes her and feels she should like him but, more so because Ao has ALWAYS had feelings for Konchumei and was subconsciously acting on them with her actions suggesting she likes him but she didn't think about her feelings for Konchumei because her and Konchumei were generally ALWAYS together since they became friends and she assumed that they'd always be together and when a moment came where he's not around as much and she's not seeing him much, she's feeling sad because she feels like she's missing something in her life, and she was missing him, one person who's constantly around and by her side and with him not around as much there's a void in her life she can't re-fill

The relationship with Kia made Ao realize that she's not really into girls which partly explains why after the first month or two of dating Kia she's rarely showing her affection because she subconsciously knows she's not LGBT and was going through a bi-curious phase and while SHE DID like Kia and had fun with her, she just wasn't who she wanted and her feelings for Konchumei were made clear and she realized she's in love with him and always has been and wants to be with him which leads to their confession and them beginning their relationship sometime before the war.

Though Ao's feelings for Konchumei get deeper where during the war, Konchumei winds up in the hospital because he was seriously injured protecting her and knocking on death's door which combined with everything else that happened with the war made Ao realize she doesn't want to be a hero anymore and that she's not cutout for the life of being hero and decides to give up on that dream but because she and Konchumei promised to go to high school together and be heroes together, she's afraid that if she tells him that he'll leave her and end their relationship so she decides to tough out her final year at Shiketsu with him before telling him but Kon knows something is bothering her and asks her to open up to him.

Ao tells him she doesn't want to be a hero anymore, feeling like she's not mentally strong enough to be a hero and only kept going for their relationship that she doesn't want to end but rather than be mad, Konchumei accepts it. He's not mad or disappointed, he doesn't try to change her mind or anything, he just accepts it. He assures her that she's stronger than she thinks mentally and that he's not going to be mad or anything of the sort. She supported him ever since they were kids and has done so much for him mentally, that now it's his turn to do the same. If she doesn't want to be a hero anymore, than he'll support her decision and won't love her any less. Konchumei assures her that he'll love her regardless and if she doesn't want to be a hero, he'll be a hero for them both and will be HER hero and always protect her as she's been a hero to him. Something that leaves Ao a sobbing mess profusely exclaiming to him how grateful she is to him and how much she loves him

After they graduate they immediately get their own place together where Kon works as a sidekick for some hero to make money for them to make ends meet while Ao stays at home keeping the place tidy and occasionally does hero work herself to help Kon pay the bills.

Though being a hero was Ao's dream, she had a second dream she wanted as much. That dream would start to become a reality 6 months after graduating from Shiketsu when Ao finds out that she's pregnant with her second dream aside from being a hero was to be a mother and finding out that she's 2 months along into her pregnancy, she's over the moon to see not only is she going to be a mother, she's thrilled to know that Konchumei is the father to her child and Konchumei himself while surprised that she's pregnant when they're just 18, he's still happy to know he's starting a family with the girl he's loved for almost half of his life







  • Co-Owned ship with my fran MCsCreativeArts!
  • Ao and Konchumei were each other's first loves, although Ao didn't realize her feelings for Konchumei until she began dating Kia who was her first relationship.
  • Konchumei and Ao have a duality to their relationship.
  • Kon is afraid to tell Ao how he felt about her because he was afraid of her rejecting him and their friendship spiraling downward.
  • Ao normally speaks her mind but with Konchumei she's afraid to at times because she's afraid of saying the wrong them that will make him not like her and leave her.
  • Both had feelings for each other whether they knew it or not but were both afraid of losing the other.
  • Ao and Konchumei become parents at the tender age of 19.

Design Notes

  • Etiam at lorem turpis. Etiam vel lorem at enim porta sagittis ut tincidunt augue. Morbi ligula mi, volutpat cursus sapien eu, euismod tempor mauris.
  • Pellentesque eleifend dolor nec ex viverra viverra. Ut porta eu mauris feugiat facilisis. Phasellus laoreet dapibus metus sed vestibulum.
  • Phasellus ornare turpis quis erat pretium accumsan. Mauris ornare ullamcorper semper. Donec maximus risus vitae orci facilisis egestas.
  • Proin velit dui, blandit mattis sagittis a, rutrum non tellus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sed sem id felis volutpat sagittis. Donec ac gravida arcu.
  • Curabitur vel nisl ultricies, malesuada mi id, tincidunt purus. Sed rutrum vestibulum odio, nec viverra tellus auctor ac.
  • Etiam at lorem turpis. Etiam vel lorem at enim porta sagittis ut tincidunt augue. Morbi ligula mi, volutpat cursus sapien eu, euismod tempor mauris.
  • Pellentesque eleifend dolor nec ex viverra viverra. Ut porta eu mauris feugiat facilisis. Phasellus laoreet dapibus metus sed vestibulum.
  • Phasellus ornare turpis quis erat pretium accumsan. Mauris ornare ullamcorper semper. Donec maximus risus vitae orci facilisis egestas.
  • Proin velit dui, blandit mattis sagittis a, rutrum non tellus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sed sem id felis volutpat sagittis. Donec ac gravida arcu.
  • Curabitur vel nisl ultricies, malesuada mi id, tincidunt purus. Sed rutrum vestibulum odio, nec viverra tellus auctor ac.