Yu Shenlong



7 years, 27 days ago



Name Yu Shenlong
Age 24
Gender Male
Ethnicity Chinese
D.O.B. May 18th


Charisma ★ ★ ★ ★
Kindness ★ ★ ★
Integrity ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Intelligence ★ ★ ★ ★


Height 6’0” || 182.88 cm
Build Lithe
Eyes Yellow
Skin Pale af
Hair Black and mid-length; often kept in a bun.


The Shenlong clan has long since been a prosperous family that has prided themselves in their dedication and ferocity, and many of its members, like Yu, have the traits to show it. He’s fearless, almost recklessly so, believing himself to be as mighty as the dragons they supposedly descended from. He is cocky to a fault: his confidence in his abilities and pride in his clan upbringing are damn near overbearing, and worse yet, it goes hand-in-hand with his tendency to be dogmatic with his opinions.

Yu is incredibly ambitious and strives to bring his clan more power and greatness. Sometimes he’s too ambitious, as once he focuses on something he can be very hard-headed, refusing to budge until he completes what he started. During these bouts of hyperfocus he’s often described as standoffish, as he is far from his usual friendly self, shunning those who try to talk to him unless they are helping him complete his task.

While he is normally friendly and talkative, he can be playful in the worst of ways with his peers, teasing some relentlessly, sometimes with oddly poetic phrasing. While this is a turnoff for many people, those who bear through it will find themselves with a fiercely devoted friend who would go through hell and back for them, and then again with fervor!

Yu has little control in the way of indulging, as he treats himself to whatever he pleases when he craves it. His reasoning being that he’s damn well worked to get whatever he wants, and there’s nobody that can deny him his wants...besides the Headmistress or a clan member, probably.


  • White tea
  • Reptiles
  • Thunderstorms, heavy rain
  • Silky things
  • Basically being worshipped


  • Coffee
  • Being one-upped
  • Most demons
  • .
  • .


  • Yu is a witch with an affinity for thunderstorms and anything that falls under it.
  • He's fluent in Mandarin and English
  • Does not understand slang and convoluted wording in English
  • Has a ton of siblings and cousins! The Shenlong Clan raises all of their young together. He’s great with kids...when he’s not bullying them
  • Yu gets a lot of knots and tension headaches. He does a lot of yoga to combat this, and as a result he's pretty flexible...and his posture is pretty okay too.



A demon who often receives the brunt of Yu's teasing due to his mixed nature. Yu looks at him with nothing but distaste, and believes he could easily kill him if he returned to his base 'demonic instincts', as the witch called it.




After their first meeting, the Academy has expressly forbidden Yu from interacting with Tex in any way, shape, or form. Tex is a demon, simply put; Yu views him with the usual disgust and contempt, although insulting Tex often draws many nervous glances Yu's way. He still doesn't quite know that Tex is a berserker yet...

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