
2 years, 9 months ago


Kuro Aikawa
Age: 11
Gender: M
Pronouns: He/Him
Japanese American
Grade: 7
DoB: October 20 (Libra)
Eye Color: Blue and Orange
Hair Color: Black
Height: 4’10”
Magic Type: Shadow

Kuro is an introverted and mischievous young boy who can summon dark arms from shadows. Since he grew up not having very many people to rely on, he often talked to the shadow arms as if they were his friends and still occasionally does when he’s alone. However, he’s been a lot happier since he started living with his older brother, Akira, who he has been under the care of for about 2 years. When he’s not spending time with his best friends River and Riko, he hangs around Akira’s P.I. office or the law firm Akira frequently works on cases for. Prior to his current life, Kuro was an orphan living at a group home; on top of already feeling lonely in the orphanage, he was often bullied and teased by his classmates. It wasn’t until Riko, a new student who had transferred from Japan, and River, his new roommate in the orphanage, stood up for him and befriended him soon after. Since then, Kuro considered them to be his best friends and still spends time with them frequently. However, because of his past circumstances, he still finds it hard to confide in people and talk about his troubles.

Significant Relations:
* Akira Takahashi - Older Brother
* River Stannard Taylor - Best friend / Crush
* Riko Nishimura - Best friend; they have a sibling-like bond
* Lacey Ross - Friend
* Clover Leinhardt - Akira’s best friend, but Kuro sees him like a 2nd brother
* Clementine Lavigne - Akira’s assistant who he sees like an older sister
* Spooky - His pet cat
* Ghost - Akira’s pet dog

Other Info
- Though he’s very soft-spoken, he has no problem with speaking to people and will often try to spark conversation with other kids his age (one example being Lacey, a kid who’s often hanging around the law firm he goes to)
- Two years prior to the present, him and Akira had to solve a supernatural mystery together; this was how they first met
- He was left at the door of the orphanage as a baby, his mother only leaving his birth information and a letter apologizing for her inability to care for him; this letter included a photograph of his parents, which, to put things in the most simple explanation, was how he and Akira found out they were brothers
- Back when they lived at the orphanage, he and River shared a room; though it took some time to get warmed up to each other, they grew to be very close friends
- Constantly argues with the shadow arms (basically himself) about different issues he has on his mind; Akira overhears this sometimes but doesn’t bring it up unless Kuro comes to him about it first
- He’s a pretty light sleeper while Akira is a heavy sleeper; Kuro often has to wake him up when he oversleeps so that he can force him to walk him to school before he has to go to work
- Trying to teach Akira how to get his driver’s license so he can drive them around instead of Clover; he thinks Clover drives way too slow
- He and Akira (sometimes with the addition of Riko) often scare and prank Clover; though Akira usually keeps up a responsible attitude, he lets his more mischievous side come out when he’s with Kuro and Clover
- Riko is his go-to pranking buddy when Akira is at work; sometimes they’ll get River to join them as well, but he’s more hesitant about causing mischief
- Has a stuffed cat plush he calls ‘Patches’
- Has a great interest in sewing; he sewed up his cloak himself
- Uses Spooky and Ghost as models for little accessories he makes
- He got Spooky as a birthday gift from Akira
- Will offer to sew something up in exchange for sweets
- Stray cats are often friendly towards him and will follow him around
- Has a massive sweet tooth just like his brother Akira
- Akira is trying to teach him Japanese, but he’s got a long way to go with it; Riko also helps him sometimes, though she’s a worse teacher because of how much she goofs around
- Unlike River, he doesn’t like the rain because he doesn’t like to get his clothes wet
- Lives for Halloween; most people already think he’s in a costume, but he likes to make costumes for the occasion every year
- Takes “trick or treat” very seriously; he will pull pranks and scare people with his shadow magic if he doesn’t get any candy
- He and Riko often have pranking wars with Miri and Zeke, two teenage employees at the local amusement park