
2 years, 1 month ago


Akira Takahashi
Age: 25
Gender: M
Pronouns: He/Him
Japanese American
Orientation: Straight / Ace
Occupation: Private Detective
DoB: September 9 (Virgo)
Eye Color: Yellow
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5’9”
Magic Type: Shadow

Akira is a sly, confident young man who always tries to take charge. He’s sharp and street smart, using these skills when solving cases and talking to witnesses. He’s confident to the point of putting himself in danger often; he also has trouble putting trust in others since he most often puts his trust in himself (though this isn’t in a condescending manner). He’s well intentioned and truly just wants to help the people around him in his own way; he doesn’t have much faith in the police and believes he can make a difference all on his own, which is why he chose to become a private investigator instead of a police detective.

He was born with shadow magic; he can manipulate shadows and even conceal himself in them to hide. He becomes one with the shadows and vanishes without a trace; he can use this ability to teleport between shadows. He most often uses this to sneak past people and hide himself when he’s being looked for, but also uses it to his advantage in combat situations Strangely, he also has a natural resistance to dark energy and the mind manipulating abilities of supernatural entities; curses, possession, and any other sort of magical influence from monsters don’t work on him. Kuro also has this form of magical resistance.

Kuro and Akira are actually half-brothers, though they’re not aware of this. Akira’s parents separated when he was young and he went to live with his father, which led to him not seeing his mother much anymore. A while after, his mother went on to have Kuro. However, she wasn’t able to properly care for him, so she abandoned him at the orphanage he now lives in. Later in the story, Akira takes Kuro in to live with him when they find out they're family.

Significant Relations
* Kuro Aikawa - Younger brother
* Clover Leinhardt - Longtime best friend; has known him since they were children, and often works on cases for him
* Clementine Lavigne - Mentee / Assistant
* Harper Allen - Friendly rival; sometimes runs into her when working on a supernatural case
* Reed Whitlock- Acquaintance / Coworker; another private investigator that works on cases for the law office Clover works at
* Vivienne Ross - Acquaintance; Clover's boss
* River Stannard Taylor - Acquaintance; Kuro's best friend
* Riko Nishimura - Acquaintance; Kuro's friend
* Ghost - Pet dog

Other Info
- Is bilingual (fluent in English and Japanese); he's been trying to learn more languages to talk to more people. When speaking with someone who only speaks a language he’s currently trying to learn, he tries to use his basic understanding of it to try and talk with them
- Loves alcohol
- Because of his natural magic resistance, he doesn’t fear the supernatural at all and tends to act condescending towards these entities, recklessly putting himself in danger when dealing with them
- Can see in the dark pretty well
- Just like Kuro, he has a sweet tooth. They both like to take candy (more than they should) from Clover's candy bowl in his office
- Wants to be a pop star; still hasn’t given up on that dream despite already being a P.I.
- Surprisingly skilled in dancing; he’ll break out into song and dance when he’s listening to his favorite songs
- An absolute champion at dancing games like Just Dance, DDR, etc.
- Goes to arcades on his days off; he’s been doing this since he was a child. He especially has fun when he brings along Kuro and Clover
- Has a rescued pet Husky named ‘Ghost’; he has lots of selfies of the two of them on his phone
- Always has lollipops on hand
- Still hasn’t gotten his driver’s license and walks/takes public transportation everywhere/moves via his shadow magic; won’t admit it but he’s terrified of driving.
- Prefers tea over coffee
- Goes to stores and tries on a bunch of clothes but rarely actually buys anything
- Likes to wear colored contacts sometimes