
2 years, 9 months ago


River Cas Taylor
Age: 11
Gender: M
Pronouns: He/Him
Dutch American
DoB: December 24 (Capricorn)
Grade: 7
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blond
Height: 5'0"
Magic Type: Elemental (Water)

A shy, anxious, but overall sweet young boy that tries his best to keep a good attitude. Though he can be paranoid and somewhat cowardly, he tries to put on a brave face for the people he cares about. He listens to others when they have something on their mind, but he doesn’t speak about himself very often as he doesn’t want to feel like a burden to those around him. Drawing, doodling, and just being creative is his hobby and helps him feel at ease when he’s feeling stressed out; it’s not unusual to see his hands covered in pen because of this, as he’ll just draw on himself if there’s no paper around. He has water purification and healing magic, though he only discovered this recently.

He is one of the people who hangs around Ross Law Offices since his friends Kuro and Lacey are often there due to their respective family members working there. He’s really shy around everyone else there, but he either has friendly or neutral opinions on them. Akira is the one he’s most comfortable around since he’s interacted with him the most (he’s Kuro’s older brother), while he feels intimidated by Evelyn and Reed’s stoic personalities.

Significant Relations:
* Kuro Aikawa - Best friend; they lived as roommates for years in a group home and have remained close friends even after finding new homes
* Riko Nishimura - Longtime friend; they, along with Kuro, have been friends since elementary school
* Lacey Ross - Friend
* Paige Taylor - Adoptive older sister; he doesn’t see her very much since she’s in college, but he loves how fun she is to be around when she does come to visit
* Sunny - Pet puppy
* Piper O'Brien - Childhood friend and neighbor, but hasn’t seen her since they were very young
* Valeria Espina - School bully

Other Info
- Left-handed
- He, Kuro, and Riko like to make up original characters and draw comics about them together
- Got a camera as a gift from his adoptive parents. Usually, he'll take pictures of different places or his friends and hangs his favorites of these pictures on his wall
- Loves the beach; sand dollars are his favorite to collect
- He’s invited Kuro over so many times that he can just show up without River’s parents knowing beforehand and they wouldn’t bat an eye
- Would either be flustered or just start crying if you complimented him
- Tends to zone out a lot while staring at clouds
- His hands are always cold for some reason
- Finds rain to be calming, it's his favorite kind of weather; he especially loves to play in the rain and stomp in puddles with his friends
- Has very neat handwriting; his handwriting is often mistaken for a girl’s when he forgets to write his name on something for class
- Otters are his favorite animal; to add onto this, Oshawott is his favorite Pokemon
- He used to have a crush on Alice in the past, but was politely turned down by her; since then he’s been afraid to confess to any other crushes he gets
- Has an English cream Golden Retriever puppy named 'Sunny.’ He’s shy yet playful with people and animals he’s familiar with
- Sunny is somewhat clingy and will follow River around wherever he goes; he gets very sad when River has to leave for school
- Whenever Kuro comes by, Sunny will tug on his cloak; he really likes to tug things and play keep-away with different objects
- Sunny uses River's shirts as a resting spot more than his actual bed (to River's annoyance)