Alexendrei 'Sno' Ferredin (YeeYee)



1 year, 5 months ago


Before meeting Barkri
Atra is an Alvecchare/Tarrterran mix-breed, born to a woman living in Barren Gates and some nomad who was passing by. He doesn't talk much about his earlier years, given that he spent them working odd jobs to support himself. The problems just kept stacking themselves on top of each other. Being born a bastard wasn't enough; Lady Luck had to bless him with being half-nomadic, a Syllkheret, and later on a titan. As soon as he gathered enough money, he stole a nice herja from a local merchant and took off into the wilderness. He sustains himself by hunting, and doing whatever he'd get paid to do. He prefers to not waste money and opts out to sleep under the stars whenever possible.

Personality and physical attributes
Atra is built like a brick wall, standing tall at 3m. He makes sure to conceal his eyes and skin from the harmful sun rays with clothing that makes him look even less friendly. Even when forced by fate to be near other ghalla, he keeps to himself and comes off as rude and downright hostile. Since people are hostile to him even before he utters a single word, why not return the favor?
During a long-distance herding job, the group he was in was attacked by Alvecharre bandits. Even though he managed to stand his ground for a long time, and even kill many of the attackers, sleep deprivation and lack of food made him easier to eventually overwhelm. Once the bandits realized 'what' he is, they were enraged by the apparent 'demon who came to meddle with their business'. In order to appease Lady Luck, they cut down his crown and flayed his face all around the mouth. That same Lady Luck chose to let him live, despite the severity of his injuries. With little to no medical aid the scars healed horribly and the gaping hole where his lips once were reveals a disorganized mess of sharp teeth. Now that he has no lips, he is unable to pronounce any sounds that require them such as "m", "p", "b", "o", "u", "f". This gives him a very specific pattern of speech, where he will either avoid the words with the "problematic" sounds or will say something nearly incomprehensible(here becomes ere, turmoil become ter el and so on).
He is severely emotionally stunted and prefers solitude and silence only because that's what's safest. He is ashamed of his inability to speak and chooses not to whenever possible.

Meeting Barkri

Barkri is one ray of sunshine Atra could not escape from. Because Katicin and I are silly gooses, there are two versions of events:
1. During a robbery-gone-wrong, Barkri was knocked unconscious and tossed out of a moving train into the canyon bellow. Atra found bark on the brink of death, and against better judgement decided to help him. As soon as he was well enough to speak, Barkri proclaimed himself as Atra's best friend and loyal traveling companion.
2. At one point Atra fell in with a bad crowd. Whether out of desperation of coercion, Atra joined a group of mercenaries. During one of their paid-for missions, they fought with the group that Barkri was guarding and eventually captured him as negotiation bait. As usual, Barkri was just too damn kind and energetic even in such a dire situation for Atra to let him stay imprisoned. Atra cut the ropes that secured Barkri to a post, pointed to the nearest herja besides his own and they took off under the cover of night.
Regardless of the scenario the rest is the same: the only thing that Atra would hear for days and days would be endless chatter coming from Barkri. How can someone speak so much and not get tired? Either it was that, or the lovely tune of Barkri's strangely golden fiddle. Atra didn't care enough to ask Barkri to elaborate, though he was sure it has something to do with Lady Luck. Despite his dislike for the constant noise, Atra grew fond of Barkri's presence and companionship. Barkri is the first person he's ever met that never looked at him with disgust or hatred. Whenever Barkri would ask him questions about his scars and past, he would do so out of an almost childish curiosity, with no ill intent. Even if it was bothersome, Atra saw it as respectable. Barkri quickly proved himself to be a useful ally during Atra's long travels, as he both provides good support during fights, and can easily take over negotiating and general conversation in towns they come across.

Monastery kerfuffle
During their travels, Barkri and Atra came across a small monastery. On the outside, the monastery looked old and poorly kept, and its insides matched that. The monastery's grounds include a small Temple of Hezon as expected, and a long building designed to house the few nuns and a priest that inhabit it.
The travelers were warmly welcomed by the nuns and Father Marlon, a bubble-nosed man of Cerulean origin.
Marlon and Barkri seemed to have hit it off immediately, because they finally found an enthusiastic listener in each other, much to the dismay of Atra and the nuns. During their short stay, gangs local to the area tried ransacking the monastery again. What they didn't expect was two titans ready to defend it. During the shootout, one nun unfortunately died, but was avenged when Atra bit off the killer's head. This barbaric act got joyful cheers out of Marlon, much to Atra's surprise, as he was expecting the flowery priest to faint at the gruesome sight. Luckily, the gangs were chased off quickly and nobody was seriously injured. Atra did catch a bullet with his ribs while trying to shepherd Marlon and the nuns closer to the inner walls of the monastery.
Marlon felt terribly scared and responsible for his injury because he heard that titans can die easily from minor wounds due to their size and weight. He immediately offered his healing services, that Atra couldn't refuse while semi-conscious from a fever. While tending to his wounds, Marlon couldn't help but feel giddy. When he had enough of Marlon's constant barrage of questions, Atra snapped at him to "at least keep his mouth shut while touchin' him all over".
Being bedridden for a few days made Atra feel like he was losing his mind, maybe it's the constant grating of Marlon's voice that made Atra accustomed to his presence?
Once it was time to go, both Marlon and the nuns begged Barkri and Atra to take Marlon with them. Sadly, they refused, since Marlon doesn't know how to ride a herja or how to survive in the wild. While out of earshot of others, Atra told Marlon that he will return for him once he and Barkri are back in the area, because he knew "Marlon would otherwise explode if he didn't annoy someone with his chitchat".

Silly Facts:
-Whenever Barkri would get rid of his golden fiddle, Atra would notice Lady Luck tossing it back in their direction one way or another. He makes sure not to stare.
-Marlon sometimes catches himself doodling himself being carried around by Atra. Afterwards he runs to pray in shame, only to do it again.
-Despite his vagabond lifestyle, Atra makes sure to keep himself as clean as possible. As a result of his cleanliness, his hair retains its silvery shine despite his long travels. Marlon loved playing with it because "it reminded him of fairytale unicorn hair".
-Atra secretly hopes to one day come across the bandits who flayed his face, to sharpen his teeth on their spines.
-Atra speaks fluent Alvecharre and Arabelean, and even named his herja Tetya, meaning "peaches". Barkri can't get enough of this and constantly babytalks to her whenever he gets a chance. Atra always scolds him for it, as he thinks it's disrespectful to Tetya.
-Atra left a small bite mark on Marlon's shoulder as a parting gift.