


2 years, 7 months ago


Original design by Katicin, I redid the design into what it is now

What the hell is this thing
Ervasar(Erva for short) are a livestock animal and one of the most widespread species on the continent. Their docile nature makes them perfect for both small and large herds.
Another important feature of the species is their incredibly adaptability to the various(often extreme) landscapes and weather conditions across the continent. These conditions greatly impact an Erva's appearance(as seen in the example of different breeds).

Ervas don't care about the origin of what they ingest
Ervas are herbivorous, but will try to swallow anything that they think can fit into their mouth. Erva diet mostly consists of grass and berries, thought their strong beaks allow them to crack tough nuts and dig out roots. Depending on their diet, their milk and meat can have a slightly different taste. It's quite common for an Erveron(a shepherd) to have to intervene once an Erva swallows something it wasn't supposed to. Fun fact: an Erva can swallow an adult male Ghalla's arm up to the shoulder with no issues.

Adorably simple creatures
Ervas have terrible eyesight and great hearing. For centuries Erva have been dependent on Ghalla to guard them during from predators during grazing. In many cultures across Eraden, being compared to an Erva is considered to be a common insult, as they are very stupid animals. Besides constantly swallowing things they shouldn't, Ervas occasionally get stuck in bizarre places.

Delicious and nutritious
Ervas are an essential source of food and natural materials all across the globe. It's almost impossible to count all of the dishes containing Erva meat and milk. As it is tradition, almost all parts of a slaughtered Erva are used. After their nutritional value, the second greatest gift from Ervas to the rest of the world is their versatile wool. Depending on their area of origin, Ervas can have wildly different uses and wool types. For example, Northern woolly is known for its thick waterproof pelt that is commonly used in clothes for protection against extreme colds. On the opposite side of the spectrum, the Desert roughpelt variety has a very bristly and sharp coat that is useless to everyone except for the Erva.

Superstition surrounding Ervas: How true is it?

  • Ervas can sense who's a bad person: Undetermined. Ervas seem to like biting and pecking everyone equally.
  • Ervas can live on their own without the help of Ghalla: Untrue. Centuries of selective breeding made a large impact on Ervas' ability to live in the harsh wilderness of Eraden.
  • Ervas sing "death songs" for their dead loved ones: Half-true. Ervas recognize each other by their unique chirping-like call and are capable of various vocalizations. The call of a distressed Erva can be recognized by Ghalla too, though their distress only seems to come from their own disgruntlement and has nothing to do with passing of their fellow burden members.
  • Ervas love bellyrubs and can be hyptotized with them: True. It's believed this has to do with the Erva being rolled onto its back and focusing on the circular motions of a good belly rub.


  • Ervas show affection by bumping heads and chirping
  • Their call is very high-pitched and can hurt nearby listeners
  • Regardless, Ervas love to scream
  • In the south Erva meat is heat processed before eating, while in the north it is more common to eat it raw or smoke it.
  • A herd of Ervas is also called a burden(i.e A burden of Ervas).