Nacht (Mia (AR))



4 years, 8 months ago


be careful, it's sharp.


welcome to the garden. mia does not meet your eyes but they glance over at you, before awkwardly standing up and coming to your side. their ears twitch towards the flowers and look at you timidly, a question implied, what are you looking for?

  • gardening
  • cleaning
  • writing
  • reading
  • season: spring
  • color: red
  • food: cherries
  • drink: orange pekoe tea
  • flowers
  • books
  • learning
  • alaric
  • yelling
  • death
  • the fae
  • alaric

height: 5'9"
build: delicate

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- carries themself with good posture
- wings are bound by thorns - cannot fly (never tried)
- flowers are part of them - picking one will injure them
- wears modest clothing in alaric's colours
- cannot speak, communicates through body language


a new beginning


Alaric walked through the scorched earth impassively, observing the state of his new home. The air was thick with smoke, ash hanging heavily through the sparse woods, the volcano looming in the background. This place was unavoidably abysmal.

"Do flowers grow here?"

"I beg your pardon, sire?" the satyr asked, looking up at him.

"Unikrye are created in a very... specific way," he said, his eyes scanning the badlands. "If there are no flowers here, we may need to resort to some drastic measures."

"There are... there is a flower, if you follow me, sire," the saytr replied, a bit hesitantly. Alaric smiled and followed the beast, leaving the wastelands, entering a dark, overwhelming forest, through brambles, eventually coming to a clearing. A bush with one singular rose sat within.

Alaric picked up the rose. "Seems some work is to be done," he mused. Could he still create life, deep in this forbidden forest? His powers may come from elsewhere, but they should remain relatively similar. He closed his eyes and spoke the words.

Mia was the first Unikrye created by Alaric, although he ascribes them no personal importance. He had brought the young child to his castle, and once they were a few decades old, had sent them back to the woods with the instructions to cultivate.

And cultivate they did, working tirelessly with the lifeless soil and scant sunlight to try and encourage some semblance of growth, until finally, a patchy garden started to flourish. Alaric's praise was all they desired.

covered in dirt and thorns, mia smiles at you.

The Tender of the Corrupted Garden, Mia spends all their time deep in the woods, weeding and watering and using their magic to keep a flock of flowers available for the birth of new Unikrye. It's hard, relentless work, but it was the purpose for which they were created, and they have known no other life, other than the briefness of the palace, vague in their memories. They prefer the silence and stillness of the floral patch to the atmosphere of the palace, however, seeing fellow Unikrye is much more reassuring to them than being surrounded by fae and orcs alike, though the fae do occasionally threaten to cause their flower patch grief. Completely mute, shy, and a bit flighty, Mia is a silent guardian of the flowers, willing to help, but unwilling to share.

ears: common
horn: common
halo: blessing (thorns)
wings: rare
blessing: common (thorns)
total rarity: uncommon



mia is able to stick others with thorns, around themselves and embedded into their skin, as well as fire them off. they tend to extend their thorns when frightened.



mia is able to encourage the growth of nearby plants. however, this ability is not very strong in corrupted unikrye.



name Mia Nacht
age 2500
gender genderless
pronouns they/them
orientation n/a
job caretaker of the garden
obtained me
value priceless
status lore
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