Seraph: Eva Jones



6 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


"I will save this city...and everyone in it. Including you."


【 Name 】 Eva Jones
【 Age 】 34
Gender 】 Female
【 Status 】Single
【 Alias 】 Seraph
【 Origin 】 Mauritania
【 Ethnicity 】 West African
【 Birthday】09/13
【 Theme 】Reach For the Moon

【Height】 5' 3"
【Skin tone】 Dark Brown
【Hair Color】 Black
【Demeanor】 Poised
【Build】 Svelte but Muscular
【Eye color】 Silver
【Hair style Long and Curly
【Style】 Seraph Style Board
【 Positives 】
  • Adaptable
  • Resourceful
  • Patient
【 Negatives 】
  • Self-Righteous
  • Stubborn
  • Loopy

Eva is a poised yet warm woman with a bit of a whimsical flair.  She often has a small smile on her face and her eyes, while silver, are warm and often her gaze is compared to the moon.  She is very well-read and intelligent and loves most forms of music, often playing the violin to soothe her or to teach.  She has a tendency to get lost in crowds or in nature walks, mostly because she feels like she is constantly looking for something to fill a hole inside of her.

Despite her whimsical and somewhat loopy tendencies, she is also very perceptive; she may get lost but she is always very aware of her surroundings.  For her relatively easygoing nature, she is also quite stubborn and resolute in her morals ethics and convictions.  Her purity of spirit truly makes her heroic, however, the gaps in her mind often cloud her and cause her distress during most inconvenient times.



Eva Jones, also known as Seraph, is a heroic vigilante in Monterose, having a growing contingent of people who look up to her instead of seeing her as an unnecessary nuisance.  Very skilled in many forms of martial arts and fancy for her talents with a katana, she has been able to successfully cut down several illegal operations in the city.  However, she has yet to put a dent in the true ruling power of the city, the Dante Family.  This vexes her since the head of that family has made Seraph her number one enemy.  A feeling that is mutual.

The issue comes up with the fact that each time she faces that family, she gets disorienting flashbacks; warm sand under her feet, a little girl who shines as bright as the sun reaching out to her, a little boy with arm caramel eyes crawling with joy on his face.  This flashbacks have been haunting her ever since she woke up in the middle of a destroyed village and was taken in by a military group.

After training and being cared for by them, and after many years traveling, she came to Monterose after adopting a young man named Tristan, helping to raise him.  She had already been debuting as Seraph in different other locales, but Monterose is where she makes her base now; the Dante Family ruined Tristan, making him one of their own and she made it a mission to save the city, save Tristan, and perhaps make a breakthrough to the one woman she considers a lost cause.

Ira Dante, the woman who burns like the sun.

wrath__ira_dante_by_artisticallystrange-Wrath: Ira DanteThe Monster Ira is the one person Eva has no patience left for.  The leader of the notorious and untouchable Dante Family had made it her mission to punish Eva for something she cannot even remember.  What is worse is that whenever she and Ira meet, she loses focus has disorienting flashbacks. Though Eva wants to save everyone, Ira is the one person she is close to admitting a feeling of hatred for.  Hatred...and yet a deep sadness.  She will not admit that the hole she feels in her is related to Ira.

lust_tristan_dante_by_artisticallystrangLust: Tristan DanteForever Lost? Tristan was like a son to her; even though she was too young to be considered a mother when she took him in, she tried her best to be a role model. When he went missing, she searched for him.  When Jessica claimed to have found him, she was overjoyed.  Until he tried to murder Jessica and showed Eva his true colors.  All that she had sought to build in him was gone.  She still wishes to get through to him but her patience, once unbreakable, is beginning to wane.
gluttony__orsin_dante_by_artisticallystrGluttony: Orsin DanteA Longing She has no idea that Orsin is her little brother and Ira will keep it that way.
【Domina: Jessica Vargas】Like a Daughter She see's Jessica like a daughter to her, akin to how she felt towards Tristan.  Jessica may be impulsive and temperamental, but Eva admires her strength and spirit; even though Jessica has no limbs and suffered from a tragic past, she has been able to look forward with optimism.  Due to what happened with Tristan, she is fearful of Jessica's sharp temper and tendency to hold grudges, trying her best to steer her on the path of light instead of darkness.
【Jayce Tennison】Troubled but Cute Jayce is another one of Eva's family, and though he is not as physical as Jessica in terms of fighting, Eva admires his intelligence and wit.  She encourages him to work on his studies and enjoy the inventions he builds with the few scraps of technology she gives him but she has a hard time approving of his hacking and information stealing.  While it has been useful, she still scolds him for it.

More Information
【 DeviantArt Full Profile 】Seraph: Eva Jones Full Bio
【 Full Gallery 】N/A
【 Japanese Seiyu 】Maaya Sakamoto
【 English Voice Actor】Lupita Nyong'o