


2 years, 8 months ago


Voice Claim: Tenzin [The Legend of Korra]




Name Coyote
Pronouns He/Him
Age Adult, around 7-8 years old
Sexuality Straight
Rank Elder, retired Leader
Former Colony Falcon's

"It's disappointing to see that your children act more maturely than you do."


A grumpy, stubborn tom who is secretly quite gentle.

Former leader of his colony. He lost the left side of his face to a dog attack, the very same that took his daughter from him. His leg was also permanently damaged in the attack. These injuries paired with his already failing eyesight (genetics slightly paired with age) led him to stepping down, encouraging his cats to trust Falcon to lead the colony in his place.

This doesn't mean he doesn't play an important role in the leadership of his colony, however. Still dealing with her own grief, Falcon was expected to make mistakes when she first started leading. Despite his own heavy grief, he was there for her, ready to help and teach her how to lead the colony. His clan cares for him deeply, despite his prickly personality.


A mature tom, huge scars cover the right side of his face, neck and throat. His right ear is tattered, and he is blind in his right eye. His left leg is also heavily scarred and he cannot put much weight on it- it's always hovering above the ground.

He is pale ginger, with a darker stripe that starts at his nose and ends at the base of his tail. His muzzle is a lighter color, as is his chest, belly and tail. His eyes are amber.



Initially suspicous of the she-cat whenever she first joined, he slowly began to warm up to her the more her and his daughter interacted. He could see the two getting close before anyone else. He became her mentor after her progress in education stalled, and there the two became close. They became even closer a few years later after the birth of Daylily's kits, where he encouraged Falcon to help Daylily raise them. Their bond helped them through the she-cat's loss, and together they raised the two kits until they were apprentices. He trusts her completely with anything.


The leader of a different subcolony, Ant is his brother. They initially were very close. Their bond was unbreakable- or it seemed to be. But something in their youth seperated them and turned them against one another. They've had a strong dislike towards the other for a long, long time.


Coyote's rouge son, who left the colonies before they joined together for unknown reasons. He doesn't hate him, but he's seems greatly disappointed by his actions- whatever they were..

Cricket and Olive

Coyote's grandkits. He cherishes them greatly, seeing his daughter in them. He knows they'll grow into good cats one day.


His mate was a she-cat named Sophie, a kittypet who got lost. According to Coyote, she was a very gentle and kind cat. She died during a wave of greencough when Daylily and Shell were around eight moons old.

He has very high standards for cats he doesn't know well. Until a cat reaches those standards he holds little respect for them and will likely ignore them if they ask him to do something, no matter who they are.