


2 years, 8 months ago


This profile has only the barebones of Tup's story; I'll be expanding on it later when I have the time and energy :(


Title Retainer
Age 24 (as of Endwalker)
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Origin Gridania
Class Miner
Tool Pickaxe
Retainer Vocate Ishgard

Tup is a rather happy-go-lucky guy, and has a cheery attitude toward life. He's admittedly a little reckless, much to the chargrin of his coworkers, Proudheart and Kilue. Still, Tup's always pleased to do a good job, and takes a large amount of joy in surprising Imber - including the one time he went out on a waterside venture, and came back with a fat little kitten in tow.







- Originally, I had both Tup and Proudheart set as fishers, but when I started gathering I needed those boys picking up crafting materials instead of fish. I flipped a coin to see who got what job, and Tup got miner

- Tup is the only one of my retainers to have the default appearance. I like the default male hyur, so I saw no reason to change him

- While Proudheart was the first retainer I ever created, chronologically speaking Tup was the first one Imber hired. Proudheart came along not far after him

- As ventures can take retainers all over the place, Imber lets Tup borrow Viri for his trips to make things easier

Tup was born and raised in Gridania, but always longed for a life outside the confines of the Black Shroud. The idea of taking up the botanist's sickle like the rest of his family before him chafed at the young hyur. He found botany incredibly dull, and eyed the axe with a mix of apprehension and distrust. He felt like he was meant for more than gathering plants and logging trees, and so as soon as he became of age, Tup packed his bags and made straight for Ul'dah, the city where men turn sand into gold. Not being suited for adventurer work, Tup instead tried his hand at the various guilds in the city, eventually hitting his stride as a miner.

Finding commissions, on the other hand, is no easy task. The amount of work the guild offered waxed and waned, and while Tup took to what guild assignments he had with a will, willpower doesn't pay the bills. The hyur got the idea to supplement his job with retainer work; after all, adventurers were always in need of extra hands. At the very least he wouldn't want for jobs to do.

Thus Tup joined the retainer pool, taking his place as one in the younger end of the age scale at 20. While he and his first master had a strained working relationship, and his second mistress he literally quit on within the week due to not wanting any part of her craziness, the saying third time's the charm proved true, as he's worked for Imber for almost four years now with no complaints. They started their working relationship with Imber teaching him how to fish in response to an offhand comment about Tup being interested in taking it up as a hobby at some point, and their friendship just kicked off from there. He's quite proud to have been with Imber before her rise to noreity as the Warrior of Light, and considers her a good friend.

Tup and Proudheart get along rather well, which is good for them as Imber's retainers. Gotta be able to work well with your coworker and all that. While Tup has been with Imber longer, Proudheart is a much more experienced retainer who has worked with many masters in the past. Ironically, the hrothgar is a botanist, which Tup teases him endlessly about. Speaking of the proper terms for a retainer's boss, Imber absolutely HATES it when they call her mistress, which has just prompted the two to make a game out of it. And while Kilue holds himself above such things, it's clear the viera is just as entertained by his coworkers' antics as they are.