



This profile has only the barebones of Proudheart's story; I'll be expanding on it later when I have the time and energy :(


Title Retainer
Age 50 (as of Endwalker)
Gender Male
Race Hrothgar
Origin Bozja
Class Botanist
Tool Axe
Retainer Vocate Ishgard

Proudheart is a rather independant man, though admittedly a lonely one. His queen died a long time ago, and his broken heart wouldn't let him take another. So Proudheart migrated to Eorzea, discarding his old name and taking up a new one, looking for work. Imber has become some sort of strange cross between a friend and a surrogate queen to him, and he would give his life for her, should she ask. He's become a lot happier and more at peace since he started working with Imber, even if sometimes he feels the urge to club Tup over the head with his axe. Honestly, that boy. Sometimes Proudheart wonders how his somewhat reckless coworker is even still alive.







- While Tup is chronologically Imber's first retainer, Proudheart was my very first retainer on my old account, when I first gave FFXIV a try. That account has long since been lost, and when I picked up the game again a couple years later, I couldn't help but recreate the old hrothgar

- Originally, I had both Tup and Proudheart set as fishers, but when I started gathering I needed those boys picking up crafting materials instead of fish. I flipped a coin to see who got what job, and Proudheart won botanist

- Proudheart sits on the opposite side of Tup on the customization range of my retainers as the one with the most customization. I took the face and hair of the default helion (what he originally was on my old account) and applied them to the lost, as his lore of being without a queen was quite literally what the lost were, so him being a helion made no sense. Change his fur to black and give him leopard spots to make him a black panther, and Proudheart was reborn

- As ventures can take retainers all over the place, Imber lets Proudheart borrow Maggie for his trips to make things easier. Viri unfortunately was not bred for hrothgar, so she was out as far as mounts were concerned. That doesn't mean that he and Maggie don't get along like a house on fire, however, which they very much do

Proudheart is an experienced retainer, having faithfully served master after master in his career. When Imber hired him, he expected their working relationship to be no more significant than the rest. That assumtion didn't last long; while most retainers and masters have a strictly working relationship, there's always those few who want to be friends. It seemed Imber was among those few. Nothing new there. It wasn't the first time he'd worked under such a boss, and it wouldn't be the last.

Then his mistress escalated into the Warrior of Light, executed Operation Archon, and killed the Black Wolf, and things got a little more interesting. So did joining Tup in his game of flustering Imber with correctly adressing her by the proper title of 'mistress'.

Proudheart is basically the voice of reason among Imber's retainers, and constantly exasperated with the antics of his younger coworkers - especially Tup, though for all his airs, Kilue isn't much better. With all his scolding, one could be forgiven for assuming the man had adopted the two younger men - something he will vehemently deny when asked, for all that Tup teases him about 'aggressively dadding'. It's clear he has a soft spot for them though, especially Kilue, who actually DOES look up to him as the father figure his biological father couldn't be.