The Bar Brawler (shedim au)



2 years, 4 months ago


Au for Skeletondoggy's setting :) for fun, to explore different aspects of their personalities and an excuse for me to indulge in monstery designs for them <3

Height: 7'0"
Magic specialty: When other shedim are around, they do not experience pain or tiredness and this persists for as long as they are being observed and increases in potency as a crowd grows, stops once they are no longer being watched and they feel the cumulative effects of their actions and injuries 

Main differences for brawler:
-Successful! Admired! not at all washed up and conducts themself with an air of confidence, friendly but imposing
-very individualistic, watches out for #1, is borderline arrogant
-even more gregarious and can get Even More carried away with merrymaking, parties do not stop until they drop  Literally.
-no qualms or guilt about turning someone into a smear, treats most things like a game but can get very serious very quickly and its not pretty
-adverse to pain, will surround self with spectators so their magic specialty kicks in, which is to prevent them from feeling fatigue or most pain as long as they are being observed. Often passes out for days once alone (while regular brawler readily welcomes post tussle aches and thinks the pain is part of the sport and something to embrace)
-despite being friendly is not overly buddy-buddy and is sort of picky about who they interact with on a personal level, mostly engages in "dealings" rather than just hanging out but they love company and is very welcoming
-If you hurt their ego you may as well just end them because oh god oh fuck
-Despite their arrogance and ego they try not to get bystanders involved in their more destructive exploits, and will even try to repair unintended damage but turns it into a competition or another way to show off their endurance and skill
-Ambitious to a fault, always looking for that next thing they can prove themself with and cement their position as someone to admire
-Finds discomfort in quiet and thrives in perpetual distraction in one way or another
-not a difference but needs stating:
