The Bar Brawler



2 years, 8 months ago


Age: late 40's
Pronouns: he/him
Species: human
Height: 6'0"

A rowdy man whos ideal company consists of belligerent drunkards who are arrogant enough to entertain him for the evening. He takes pride in his physical prowess and loves to do tests of strength, which can give shop owners headaches with how destructive he can be. Hes a boastful sort, though in truth hes well past his prime. In his youth he was one of the area's most promising bare-knuckle boxers until he realized the referee had rigged his match with another boxer. The other, much more well known and respected boxer was to take the fall and split the money that was bet on Brawler. Upon realizing this he lost it and attacked the ref for seemingly no reason to the audience. Unable to live that down and with no one who believed his claims of rigging, hes taken to showboating in less prestigious locales. Currently on the run from the law but has changed his look so significantly no one recognizes him allowing him to bask in the dingy limelight of seedy bars and venues to his hearts content.

His bounty is for a long list of petty grievances like disturbing the peace, rough housing, destruction of private property, wanton chaos, etcetera but the reason the price on his head is so high is he is wanted by an influential family for the accidental killing of one of their own. The man instigated a fight with the Brawler and died during it, completely and utterly unintentionally, and the family seeks to execute the Brawler themselves. 

-needs attention or he will die
-loves to win but doesnt mind losing if it was a fair loss, gets excited when someone is better than him and will bug them for rematches
-has a stopwatch around his neck to time his exploits
-has an uneven tan and birthmark on his shoulder
-cries when emotional
-is emotional often
-tells people to use him as an example of what NOT to do with their lives
-still is having a great time though ngl
-pants are from his boxing days, hes had to have them tailored a few times