Lisa Navarro



6 years, 9 months ago


Notice: This character is a WIP and information may be incomplete or change.


Cool • Responsible • Stoic • Calm    

Name:Lisa Navarro
GENDER:Cis Female
Birthday:1st August 1969 ♏
occupation:Taxi Driver

Lisa is a strong, forthright woman. Easygoing, there are few things in life that Lisa takes too seriously - but those things she does take seriously are of a high importance to her. Lisa can be serious and could definitely be considered responsible too, but she comes across as a little detached a lot of the time. People mistake her stoic nature for apathy sometimes, but the opposite is true. Lisa cares a great deal about a great lot, and her passion will come out when you least expect it. Lisa is good-hearted and kind, but she's very introverted - the kind of person to perform a massive favour and remain anonymous. She's humble and grounded.
Lisa loves her sons and her wife. She's a avid motorcycle fan.
People who don't know her find Lisa a little spooky, but those who do know that she's just a softie in a leather jacket.

'I'm not mad at you. Just disappointed.'


  • Lisa is 5'1". She wishes she could be taller.
  • She has very cool, gelled hair, reddish-grey and getting greyer.
  • She has pierced ears and usually wears hoops in them.
  • She has a round face, and almost-black eyes.


  • Lisa is a regular attendee of most motor vehicle shows in the area.
  • She's the only reason that the plants in her and Jodie's garden are still alive. She actually has quite a bit of affection for her plants.


Lisa was born in 1969 to couple Omar and Rosa Navarro, minutes before her twin brother, Ramón Navarro. She and Ramón had a cushy, middle-class upbringing in sunny Davao del Norte, Phillipines, but they quickly had to adjust to a British way of life when they emigrated due to their fathers business opportunity, at the ages of 15. Lisa was a rebellious teen, constantly arguing with her brother and both of her parents.
She didn't want to move countries and was angry that she had so little choice in the decision which changed her life, but that wasn't the only problem she had with her parents. She aggressively refused her mother's requests to act 'just a little more ladylike', and both her parents had difficulty coming to terms with Lisa's lesbian identity, when she came out.

Lisa left school with not-so-great grades, began working out, and hung out with a crowd of boys who she picked up smoking from.
Lisa had always been a people-watcher. One of her favourite pastimes was sitting outside a café and watching the types of people who passed by. She'd never cared what anyone thought of her before, and had no intentions of changing that, so she'd sit there for hours, staring at strangers while she sipped a warm coffee.

Lisa first noticed Jodie Arai walking from college with friends. She'd just started a new course there, so Lisa began to see her most days, as her walk home would coincide with Lisa's café time. She became a familiar sight to Lisa, and she stood out to Lisa, too - after all, she was the only other woman of eastern Asian descent that Lisa had seen in this country thus far.
One day, Lisa approached Jodie. As she often was, Lisa was blunt - explaining her people-watching habits and how Jodie intrigued her. Jodie, unsurprisingly, was pretty intrigued, too, if not a little confused. They began talking and became friends, but it wasn't long before their relationship took a more romantic route.


Family Tree

Jodie Navarro

[ Wife ]

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