Dakota Laney



6 years, 9 months ago


Notice: This character is a WIP and information may be incomplete or change.


Shy • Emotional • Imaginative • Poetic

Name:Dakota Anne Laney
GENDER:Cis Female
Birthday:19th April 1997 ♈
Pinterest board: ~x~

Dakota is shy and sensitive. She's known for her creative pursuits and for her gloomy, pessimistic outlook on life.
Dakota is introverted to the extreme, yet simultaneously, she craves the attention and company of others - difficult, as she's convinced she's inherently unlikeable, thanks to her pitifully low self-esteem. Dakota would rather vent her emotions through her writing, look down on other people for being shallow, and distract herself with books and TV shows. She's a dreamer, despite this, and isn't cynical. She believes in magic - and desperately hopes a miracle could be right around the corner. She is depressed, overdramatic, and emotional, a result of having little support from other people for most of her life.


'I'm not like anyone else. Everything's so big, and I'm small. This world... really wasn't meant for me.'
Warning: This character contains sensitive content.
Depression, Suicide, Self-Harm, Abusive Mother, Child Abuse, Alcoholism Mention


Dakota is a young woman with a great deal of emotional issues. Suffering from an abusive upbringing, she had very little psychological support growing up, and she has been left with a string of mental health problems that she finds very hard to work through alone.
She often feels that her mind is bigger than her body - Dakota feels a oneness with the universe and the stars, and a desperate need to understand them. She intensely wishes that she could just experience everything - everything that has ever been, and everything that ever will. She feels bigger than infinity, too different for this world, and frankly, rather lost. This leads to her having a very melancholic view of existence, and this perspective of life coupled with her trauma leaves her quite depressed, and sometimes, worryingly so. Dakota channels her feelings about existence and the world into her writing and her poetry. She’s very invested in her various novels, all of which she’s been writing for years, and she’s actually an exceptionally skilled author - dedicated to her own OCs and worlds, and she often feels as though they’re the main focus of her life. She has dreams of actually pursuing this as a vocation, but her logical side reminds her that this is very unlikely. Dakota loves existing media, too, and she’s obsessed with escapism, and fictional, fantasy worlds. She’s a massive bookworm and you’ll rarely find her without a novel of some kind on her person. There’s a longing in her heart to slip away from this life and join them there, in their tales of magical kingdoms, heroics, and soul-searching.
She’s a nerd who loves comic books and video games too, but tends to avoid the grittier things, hating violence and gore, and in fact, being very frightened of it.

Dakota is very shy and withdrawn, having very few friends growing up. She always felt detached from the other kids in her school, and even grew to resent them. She has an unpleasant jealous streak, and tends to often look down upon those that she perceives as more shallow than her to combat these feelings. She also finds it very hard to be happy for other people, and so spends most of her time bitter and envious.
Despite firmly believing that she’s ‘not like other girls’, Dakota has very low self-esteem and a lot of self-hatred, too, despite her viewing herself as far more interesting and unique than most people. She contradicts herself in a few ways, actually - as she also sees herself as a very dull, bland, boring person. Dakota pities herself a lot, and she’s inclined to consider herself a victim in many different ways.

Luckily, Dakota eventually found a place for herself, even if it did have the disadvantage of being overseas. With her friends, she’s found a sense of belonging, and she’s a lot more able to be herself. She’s stubborn and surprisingly opinionated at times, and can be indignant and whiny, too, wanting things to go a certain way and getting frustrated when they don't. She’s also known for her mood swings and for being particularly irrational sometimes.

With people, Dakota is very sweet and polite. She’s quieter around louder people, or folks that she feels more intimidated by, but in time, she can warm to anyone. She’s also a great listener, with a genuine interest in other people’s lives and what they have to say - as long as they’re okay with listening to her talk about space afterwards! She likes to laugh and have a good time with people, and her cheeky sense of humour can sometimes take people by surprise.
She’s in the habit of putting words in people’s mouths, and coming to wild, inaccurate conclusions about what they really meant - this means that she can sometimes be hurt and offended easily. She’s often frightened that people don’t actually like her, and this is often why she’s as defensive as she is.
This aside, Dakota is very, very appreciative of friendships and affection from people. She’s speechless when someone goes out of their way for her, thanking them as sincerely as she can, and often being so moved that she cries. Dakota is a self-confessed crybaby. She will cry at absolutely everything, as she feels emotions very, very strongly.

Animal welfare is important to Dakota, and she is a pescatarian. She cares strongly for the environment and nature, having a deep appreciation for both flora and fauna. She’s happiest sat by a stream under the sun, writing poetry, and knowing that she has friends nearby who care about her.

Dakota needs constant reassurance that people don't hate her and that she's not a burden or an annoyance, as her mind often tells her otherwise. She's a broken, oversensitive girl, who needs to be surrounded by happiness to fix her permeating feelings of loneliness and misery.


Fantasy, Escapism, Books, Writing, Fandoms, Animals, Rats, Foxes, Space, Magic, Berry fruits, Nail polish, Cosy jumpers, Video games, Her OCs, Ghibli Movies.


Abusive households, Animal cruelty, Blood/Gore, Writers block, Depression, Attention, Her Mother.


  • Dakota is 5'1". She actually enjoys being so short.
  • Dakota's face is short and cute, with a triangular jaw and a pointy chin.
  • She has big, doe-like, honey-brown eyes, and neat, angular eyebrows.
  • She has a large birthmark on her forehead. Her fringe covers this entirely.
  • She has a animal crossing tattoo on her upper thigh. It covers a number of self-harm scars.
  • Dakota is very slim and small-framed in general. She is small-chested.
  • She's got an upturned, pointy, ski-slope nose.
  • Her earlobes are pierced, and she usually wears some kind of cute, simple earrings in them.


  • Dakota gets a pet rat when she permanently moves to the UK! Matthew buys her one. She's called Petra!
  • Dakota is a big fan of nearly anything nerdy. She loves video games and comic books.
  • On that topic, she's a little obsessed with Stardew Valley.
  • Her online screen name is StrawberryFox. A lot of people make the assumption that she is a furry as a result.
  • Dakota grows her fringe as long as possible. This is mostly due to the large birthmark on the left side of her forehead, which she feels quite self conscious about.
  • Dakota is pescatarian - she doesn't eat meat, aside from fish.
  • She cares strongly for animal life, and for the environment.
  • Dakota completed a course in health and first aid at school, and so is well-versed in those subjects.
  • Dakota is an avid creator, and has her own OC's! Her main character is a girl called Siobhan Stardrifter.
  • She is very short-sighted and needs her glasses to see.
  • Dakota is timid and hates horror, or anything spooky.
  • She is frequently seen wearing lipstick, especially in soft, pink shades.
  • Dakota loves sushi. She also loves strawberries, raspberries, and similarly sweet fruits.
  • This is so random but her voice sounds so much like this

Full Story



Family Tree

Matthew Navarro [ Boyfriend ]
Matthew is very, very important to Dakota - as much as he trials her, and she trials him, they have a genuine love and care for each other that's never truely faltered, even during the very roughest times in their relationship. Dakota's life changed because of Matthew, and if not for him, things would be very, very different today. She loves him incredibly.

Addison Ellis [ Close Friend ]
Addison and Dakota are good friends! It might come as a surprise to some, as Dakota is easily frightened and Addison can be rather frightening, but they spend a lot of time together, playing videogames and talking about their lives. Dakota was scared of Addison for a long time, but now, has quite a bit of trust in them. Addison is someone Dakota can always depend on.

Martha Anderson [ Friend ]
Dakota and Martha are good friends - Dakota was shy of her for a long time, but Martha eventually became someone Dakota could turn to and depend on when times became tough. Dakota appreciates Martha immensely. She is very protective of Dakota, and always eager to help with her troubles. Speaking of Matthew, Martha also wishes Dakota had better taste in men.

Charlie Navarro [ Boyfriend's brother/Friend ]
Dakota never actually felt terribly shy around Charlie - it was hard to, when Charlie's nature was so laid-back and unconventional. She always felt surprisingly relaxed around him. Dakota and Charlie are good friends! She doesn't always understand this man, but spending time with him is always so refreshing, and she feels very protected and safe in his company, especially as the years have gone by.

Kai London [ Friend ]
Dakota is shy of Kai, and unfortunately, she is to this day. Dakota is scared that Kai doesn't like her, and desperately wants him to, so clams up, more often than not. Unbeknownst to Dakota, Kai feels exactly the same way about her. Neither of the pair are confident enough to interact with the other one-on-one, but they're still friends. Interactions between the two of them are uncommon, and usually something to do with Matthew.

Sylvi Dee [ Acquaintance ]
Scary?? Dakota definitely thinks Sylvi doesn't like her, despite how their friends reassure her otherwise. Dakota, for the most part, avoids Sylvi - and Sylvi does the same. Dakota finds Sylvi very unsettling, and does not trust her very much, at least compared to the rest of the group.

Jodie Navarro [ Boyfriend's mother ]
When Dakota met Jodie, she was completely overwhelmed. Never before had she met someone so outwardly affectionate and lovely. Jodie went out of her way to reassure Dakota that she was safe and cherished within the family, and Dakota appreciates it so much. Dakota loves Jodie to bits, and would definitely start crying if she thought about it too much.

Lisa Navarro [ Boyfriend's mother ]
Dakota is definitely scared of Lisa, despite Lisa's genuine attempts to come across as non-threatening as possible. Dakota is happy that Lisa seems to like her, but she doesn't totally understand Lisa, and still feels quite shy because of this.

Adelia Laney [ Paternal Grandma ]
Adelia gave Dakota some of, if not the only happiest memories of her childhood. She had a blast when she used to stay at her cabin in the summer, sailing out on the lake and roasting marshmallows under the midnight sky. Dakota loves her grandma a lot and really, really cherishes these memories. She misses her.

Veronica Johnson [ Mother ]
Dakota despises her mum. She hopes that she never has to see her face again. She understands now that Veronica is a cruel, predjudiced woman, and is trying her best to recover from the terrible childhood she gave her.

Michael Laney [ Father ]
Dakota... isn't close with her dad, and doesn't see him often. He's... fine? She's not very comfortable around him, and definitely gets the impression that he does not give a toss about her.

Gracie Johnson [ Maternal Grandma ]
Dakota really doesn't have much of an opinion. She'd stay at Veronica's parents sometimes as a kid, where they'd usually plonk her in front of a TV set and forget she was there. Gracie has passed away now, and while Dakota doesn't dislike her, Gracie never contributed anything to her life.

Dean Johnson [ Maternal Grandpa ]
Dakota really doesn't have much of an opinion. She'd stay at Veronica's parents sometimes as a kid, where they'd usually plonk her in front of a TV set and forget she was there. Dean has passed away now, and while Dakota doesn't dislike him, Dean never contributed anything to her life.

Daniella Johnson [ Maternal Aunt ]
Dakota's aunt is a sweet lady, and Dakota really wishes she got to see her more often. She seems to sympathise with Dakota for having to deal with her sister, and usually makes conversation during family gatherings - usually about animals, a subject they're both enthusiastic about.

James Hatfield [ Mother's boyfriend ]
James is responsible for some of Dakota's most traumatising memories, and his actions effected her life intensely, in a way that will never really fade. Dakota hates him - but her hate is easily overruled by crippling fear. Fortunately, nowadays, Dakota is beginning to heal.

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