Burning Lazuli



6 years, 7 months ago


When Burning Lazuli was born, her parents were very accepting toward her and her odd blue-fire powers. Her parents were normal red-fire dragons, and her blue fire and the powers that came with it were a rare mutation. They accepted and enjoyed her odd abilities, but alas, were forced to abandon her when their home was raided by an unidentified assailant.

The moment she learned to fly, she left Drakhos Island and set out for Equestria, hoping to encounter someone that would take care of her- and that she did. Solar Eclipse took her in when she landed on Arcane Isle to take a break, and the two made the rest of the trip together. Since then, Solar Eclipse has raised and taken care of her- even though she isn't particularly happy with her brash behavior.

Standoffish, brash, hair-triggered, and greedy, Burning Lazuli doesn't even try to hide her obviously draconic personality. Despite this, if she does find someone who can tolerate her behavior, she's a surprisingly good friend, caring deeply for those she considers friends and protecting them above all else- although she can be a bit of a bad influence with her daredevil stunts and gem-hoarding. Unlike the other Mane Six members (and to Solar Eclipse's dismay), she swears like a sailor.

I love this asshat.