


2 years, 11 months ago




Servant • Brewster • Ashen

Name Helena
Called -
Gender Female
Age Adult
Height 175 cm
Race Kemonomimi
Role Servant/brewster
Pronouns She/her
HTML Pinky

Helena is one of the servants at the Ashen castle. She has been there for a few years now and she is one of the few people familiar with the tunnels, secret passages and hidden rooms. She has a very secure and important position, so no-one bothers her when she is working. She is being paid very well too, which keeps her mind at ease. She spends her days serving drinks and running between passages to different parts of the castle. She also spends a lot of time practicing magic in the hidden rooms, which are used for nothing else, or in the forest. She has a few friends at the castle. They are all rather strange, but she is used to eccentric people and they keep her company. She often wonders what her family is doing. She has no way of contacting them and doesn't see them anymore. She often feels as if she has left them behind, or maybe they have let her go. Perhaps they think she is too busy with her job to worry about them. Whatever the reason, she has no way to find them. She has abandoned them long ago. She spends most of her free time studying magic and has become very good at it. Ashen's natural affinity for magic helps a lot. The fact that there are so many magical items strewn around the place also means there is always something new to discover.



  • Magic
  • Drinks
  • Nature
  • Fish


  • Overly feminine clothing
  • Being bothered during her job
  • Vegetables
  • Politics

Helena reads a lot of books, and often tries to copy the spells that she finds in them, although she still has a lot to learn. She has been known to spend days reading the same book, trying to copy the spell that she wants to master. She still hasn't mastered the art of writing her own spells down, but she is getting very close to it. She has a good memory anyway, and most of the time she is able to remember a spell from a book by heart. Her other hobbies are traveling between the various parts of the castle, getting lost in the tunnels, and trying to sneak out without anyone noticing. Once, she got lost down in the tunnels for four days before being found. The head servant at the time was furious with her, and she got a talking to. After that, he made sure to post a guard outside her door at night. Of course, that didn't stop her from trying to sneak out again anyway.


Helena's dreams are often strange and vivid, but then again, so are her days. She often dreams about her past, when she actually did miss her family. Other times, she dreams about what the future may hold. She is constantly searching for something, she doesn't know what, but her dreams fill that void in her heart. She often wishes she could just wake up, because some nights the dreams seem so real, so horrible. Then again, some nights she wishes she could stay there forever. The forest is a comforting place for her. She feels at peace down there, away from the hustle and bustle of the castle. The trees provide a natural shelter from the rest of the world. No-one disturbs her down there. Occasionally she might come across a wild creature, a fox or a rabbit, but she doesn't bother them. However, there is another part of her that feels uneasy in the forest, as if she is being watched, although she can't see anyone.

Magical Items

Helena likes hoarding magical items, and she has a handful of them, all kept in a box in her room. She doesn't use them very often, but she always feels better when she has one in her possession. She doesn't know why, but she is drawn to them. She wishes she had more, but she immediately feels that familiar feeling of being watched whenever she has a new one in her possession. She doesn't like that at all. She has some pretty minor charms as well, but they are only useful for small things like opening doors or telling when someone is lying. She would like to learn how to use more powerful charms, ones that actually do something. She read about them in books, but she has never seen one up close before. She doesn't even know where to begin to learn how to use them.

  • Her favourite magical item is the orb around her neck.
  • Her favourite type of tea is earl grey.
  • She will spike the current guard's tea if she wants to leave her room at night.
  • Making her hair look the way it does takes a long time each day.
  • She has accidentally knocked someone out with her teapot before.


Raven is Helena's friend and Prince Dantalion's advisor. He knows a lot about magic, but he won't teach her anything, he says he doesn't want to shatter her dreams. She respects that. He is one of the only people that she can talk to about her dreams of magic. Most of the time people view her as little more than a servant, and don't take her seriously.



Dantalion is the current ruler of Ashen, despite officially being a prince. Helena is one of his servants, and she has been for several years. He is a bit strange, but he is also quite interesting. Helena doesn't really know him that well, but she has built up a rapport with him over the years. He has many secrets, and she often wonders what they are.



Linden is a fellow servant at the Ashen castle. He's the librarian, and he's one of the only people with access to the private papers of the royals. He's a good friend of Helena, and she talks to him often when she visits the library. He has also become one of her favorite people to chat to, as he has many interesting stories to tell about his life.