


2 years, 8 months ago




Prince • Astronomer • Ashen

Name Dantalion
Called -
Gender Male
Age Adult
Height ???
Race Demon
Role Prince
Pronouns He/him
HTML Pinky

The current ruler of Ashen after the disappearance of the actual king. Dantalion is a carefree prince who doesn't care much about actually ruling the kingdom. He spends most of his day hosting banquets or just lazing around. Astronomy is one of the only things he actually gets serious about, and he owns a large observatory within his castle. It's rumoured that he gets along with some unsavoury people behind the scenes. Dantalion was born the son of a noble family of the Kingdom of Ashen. His father was the king and his mother was the queen. He had two older brothers, but both of them were killed in a fire caused by a spark that was deliberately set by someone from the royal court. It's not known who set the fire, although some suspect the involvement of his oldest brother's wife. However, that has not been proven. His mother died of grief over the loss of her sons. The prince was only ten years old at the time. His father never married again. Some say his father had a relationship with a woman from the Kingdom of Oren, but that's just a rumour.



  • Music
  • Power
  • Astronomy
  • Pastries


  • Peace
  • Being insignificant
  • Losing
  • Those who oppose him

Dantalion has gotten rid of the old ways and now practices the new faith. After taking over the whole of Oren, Ashen has become the most powerful kingdom on the continent. The only thing that is stopping him from having an absolute tyranny is his own conscience. He has tried to cover it with a few laws, but nothing has stopped him from doing whatever he has wanted. He has even managed to convince a few high ranking nobles to serve him, but they've always been looked over or ignored by the rest of the court. His own advisor, who he has absolute power over, has been working on a way to get around the laws that restrict Dantalion. The advisor thinks that he's found a loophole that will allow Dantalion to declare himself a god and gain even more power. Dantalion doesn't believe that he can become a god in the traditional sense, but he could certainly use the title to further his own desires. He has already managed to gather a rather large following that he intends to use as a private army. The Royal Guard wouldn't be needed anymore, but he can always use them as cannon fodder.


Dantalion's court is full of colorful personalities. There's the jester, the bard, the juggler, the acrobat and even the occasional magician. There's always a lot of entertaining going on. And if the day should end with him and his court members gambling, drinking and generally having a good time, then his evenings are even more entertaining. And while most of the citizens of Ashen are happy and contented, there are those who want more from life. There are a few troublemakers that, despite the soft living, do not forget their revolutionary past. They are dangerous and unpredictable. Exactly the kind of people Dantalion wants for his army. There's also a large group of religious fanatics that practice a dark form of worship which he finds intriguing. They believe that through shedding blood and offering the bodies as an offering to their god, they will be granted immortality. He can see the wisdom in that. However, he tends to take those ideas as well as others a step further. The shedding of blood, for him, is not just an act of worship. It's an act of war. Any man who opposes him will be killed. In fact, his entire court, including the so-called "innovators" and the "moderates", will be killed if he decides to make them his enemy.


Dantalion has always wanted to be an astronomer. He remembers learning about the night sky as a child, and being so fascinated by the millions of stars that he could see from his window. It always seemed to beg the question of why he's here, and what's the point of it all. So he did what any curious mind would do, and found a book on astronomy. It had been a best seller for decades, and still is the only definitive text on the subject. He has read it cover to cover more than once, from the comfort of his room. He read about the history of astronomy, and learned about the solar system, and the planets, and the stars themselves. He learned about how they're so much smaller and brighter than he could've ever imagined. He devoured chapters on black holes, supernovas, quasars, and dark matter. He has become so advanced in his studies, he even learned how to use the telescope. His bookshelves are filled to the brim with advanced works on cosmology and theoretical physics. But despite his intellect, he still can't accept the fact that any living creature could be so utterly insignificant, as to just be a speck of dust in the universe. He wants to be more significant than that.

  • His favourite pastry is mooncake.
  • His favourite constellation is Ara.
  • His favourite colour is tacao.
  • He loves wearing more fancy clothing with a lot of frills, and refuses to wear anything else.
  • He prefers to wear high heels.


Raven is a very powerful magic user, and has been Dantalion's most trusted advisor for five years. He has a special relationship with him and is required to obey his every command. He has served him well. (Although their "special relationship" has caused him to take a few illegal liberties in the past)



Edel is Dantalion's childhood friend. When Dantalion was only six years old, they both played together in the fields behind the castle during visits. The two of them have been close friends since. They have a special bond. There is little that Edel wouldn't do for his best friend.



Andromeda has been friends with Dantalion for a while. She has even helped him out from time to time when he got into trouble. Of course, she also helped herself to a little of his wealth, after all the times she helped him out. He still owes her a lot after all these years, and one day he'll repay her.



Helena is one of Dantalion's servants at the castle. She has been in his service for at least a couple of years already. She regularly prepares tea for him and she is always around if he needs her. She often tries to dig around for his secrets though, but he has never told her anything important. She is just a servant after all.
