


3 years, 9 months ago




Advisor • Author • Ashen

Name Raven
Called -
Gender Male
Age Adult
Height 186 cm
Race Demon
Role Royal advisor
Pronouns He/him
HTML Pinky

Raven is Dantalion's royal advisor. It's his job to make sure the prince does what's best for the Kingdom. He gets a small cottage and a small salary. In exchange, he is allowed to have a small private study where he does his research and writing. His job is very enjoyable, and he gets to meet many interesting people. He even gets to learn a thing or two about the politics of the Kingdom. Unfortunately, Dantalion is a young and very inexperienced prince who mostly relies on Raven. He has plans to become powerful, but he needs Raven's help. Raven has been Dantalion's advisor for five years now. The last five years have been eventful, to say the least. There have been five major wars, and three minor ones. Though his expertise in military matters has made him very useful, there is only so much he can do. The real power rests with Prince Dantalion, and he relies on Raven's advice on how to use that power. His other duties include making sure the kingdom has a good relationship with its neighboring kingdoms, as well as making sure the farmers are happy. On top of all this, he is the author of Ashen's history, the only one that's allowed to write it. That responsibility combined with his job as a royal advisor, as expected, keeps him very busy. Fortunately, his private study is his own private kingdom.



  • Researching magic
  • Writing
  • Politics
  • Being alone


  • Frontline fighting
  • Tight clothing
  • Busy streets
  • Modern things

Raven has a small private study where he does his research on magic. He prefers to work alone, and he has books and tomes stacked everywhere and has more paper than a writer could ask for. On a table sits a beautiful vase, almost three feet tall and wide. It is ceramic and glows with a gentle light. He has several pieces of fine art, each more valuable than the last, but this is his favorite. He has visited many ruins and ancient cities throughout his studies and has always wanted one of these. He has heard of people paying a king's ransom for the chance to add one of these to their collection. Raven's books and notes are all about the ancient magics. He has dedicated his life to this study and wishes now to make it a part of his legacy. However, his job as a royal advisor will not allow him to pursue this field. His advice will be sought after, and heeded, but he will not be able to do the types of studies he has been doing as often as he'd like. Perhaps he could find some way around these restrictions using his status as a royal advisor to his advantage.


Raven has offered his services to the Order and they accepted. He has basically taken the place of the former emissary and now he's using his connections in the Order to further Dantalion's goals. He has been given the title of "Chance-oracle", which admittedly is a bit pompous, but he's going to take the power and the perks that go with it. However, his existence is still causing a minor uproar with the "higher ups" in the Order. They don't like this whole idea of him and his "networking" in the Order. They don't like it when he uses his "connections" to further his own goals. They only tolerate it because he's the most direct connection to the royalty in Ashen and so they have no choice but to accept him. Nevertheless, they're watching him. They're keeping an eye on him. He's going to continue his service to the Order and help Dantalion, but he's still going to be on guard. He can't afford to make any enemies within the Order. As much as he dislikes the Order, he's still bound by his agreement to help Dantalion. He just needs to find the right balance between serving the Order and serving Dantalion. He's going to have to play the long game.

Ashen's History Author

Raven has a deep knowledge of the kingdom's legends and tales that are passed down from generation to generation. His vast understanding has developed from years of study and from his many journeys into the past. He is also a living record of the kingdom's long forgotten history. He has documented much of the past that is now forgotten, either because people chose to forget it, or because it is simply impossible to know. These facts serve as a foundation for his writing. He has written a detailed account of what is known of the events that led up to the wars, and how the wars were fought. He has also included many of the legends that are passed down through the kingdom, and the various versions of these stories that exist. Some of these accounts are conflicting, and none of them can be considered as fact. Some are just stories that people have made up to pass the time, while others may be based in truth, but it is impossible to know for sure. Some may be related, and therefore make up a more coherent whole, while others may just be unrelated stories that happen to share a similar theme. He intends for his writing to be as historically accurate as possible, but he also wants it to be interesting to read and exciting. He intends for the stories to be entertaining, even if they are not completely factual.

  • He was a full-time historian before he became Dantalion's advisor.
  • He has written several other books besides Ashen's history book.
  • His favourite genre is historical.
  • He specializes in dark magic.
  • He uses his status as royal advisor to get into restricted areas sometimes.


Dantalion has complete control over Raven, even though he's his royal advisor. He's nothing but a pawn in this game, and one that may be used and discarded when the game is over. He'll never let Raven die, but he has no qualms about getting rid of him when he becomes a liability.



Leo is one of Raven's connections within the Order. He has worked with him before and has a close relationship with him. Leo is a very capable man and has vast experience in thieving. He is also very close to the captain of the Ashen guard. Raven has complete faith in him.



Helena is one of the servants at the Ashen castle, and a friend of Raven. She prepares the drinks with an unusual amount of care, and enjoys a certain amount of respect from the other servants there. Raven doesn't actually know that much about her despite being her friend, but he often sees her walking through the woods behind the castle.



Beaumont is keeping a close eye on Raven. He seems to trust him less than the others, and he never gets too far away from him. Raven has yet to be absolutely positive, but he suspects Beaumont is there to make sure he doesn't betray the Order. Perhaps he's just being cautious.