


6 years, 7 months ago


SpeciesGod (demon?)


The Goddess of Stratah.  What started as a cult made of vulnerable people she groomed into loving her to fuel her own power evolved into a revolution and the founding of one of the most magically-developed and powerful nations in the world.  She’s been around for centuries.  

Over time she evolves past her using-humans-purely-for-her-own-gain mentality and develops something like a sense of empathy, or at least becomes attached enough to her people that she loves them and wants them to be happy...Them loving her might still be more important to her than their happiness but now she knows love is not a one-way street and wants to do better by her people & love them and be truly loved in turn & encourage them to love each other.

She mostly sticks around with the church that’s been put up around her, accepting offerings of shiny things & travelling around to meet/help her devout & attend religious festivals, and while she has a disinterest in politics and the kind of people who tend to be attracted to it, she does advise the reigning monarch when needed.

Personality & Outlook

Has a silly & upbeat demeanor, she wants to put people at ease around her and have fun.  Knows when to be serious, just wishes it was required of her far less often.

Knows how to make you feel like the only other person in the room, and not just because she's 12 feet tall & can stare into your soul with her singular massive eye and those things tend to draw up most of your attention when you're not used to them.

Loves you!!!  Wants to hear about your day and offer comfort and guidance!!  Can't really do that on an individual level with EVERYONE who prays to her but wants to!!!  Thoroughly vets all of her divine proxies before assigning them to church work.

Powers & Assets

She's had the cultivated love of all Nixites for the last dozen generations fueling her!  She's a powerful motherfucker!  Both magically, and in the sense that she has thousands of devoted worshippers at her disposal.

Spiritual Domain
Stratah has kinda been marinating in her essence for a thousand years.  Her perception and influence is extremely heightened here.  She can sense when things are unwell and her aura has a soothing effect on those around her.  The closer you are the better, far off she can tell a large enough group of people is upset, directly in her presence she can sense your motivations.  Far off you might not feel her influence on your mood but up close it's kinda impossible to pursue anxious thoughts.


Reigning Queen of Stratah.  A bit serious for Nix's taste but she's not bad.  Which is more than she can say about most of the monarchs she's advised.  The kids are young but Nix is hoping that she has strong genes.
Xanthi's husband, the prince of Stratah.  A very loving person but also a selfish brat.  Par for the course for his bloodline, so she's glad he's not as involved in politics as he could be.
old friend
Played a large part in founding the city & advancing medical magic, then faked his own death.  Nix tries to respect that decision but she still checks in on him every once in a while.  She always hopes he's doing better but he never is!!! Get your shit together Laharr!!
relationship description relationship description relationship description relationship description relationship description relationship description relationship description relationship description


Churchy, lots of gold and stained glass.  Smooth & shiny textures, welcoming ambiance, people united in love.


• Other nations tend to view her as a demon and the religious of the city as a bunch of weird cultists…Unless they’re interested in securing Stratah & their advanced magical prowess/technology as an ally/trade partner.  Then they keep their opinions to their damn selves
• her surface temperature is very low, skin texture on the white bits is rubbery like reptilian skin, texture on the white bits is slimey
• legend has it she lifted Stratah out of the ground when her people were chased out of their homeland and is the only thing keeping it aloft
• This bich loves a wedding, officiates them when she can (if not it def is still traditional to get her blessing for a union & she will send gifts).  Has never been married herself tho & is totally disinterested in the idea of participating in romance firsthand

Q & A

Q: Question
A: Answer

Artist Notes

  • tba