


6 years, 2 months ago


Age1000 years, give or take
SpeciesHuman (Vampire?)


Laharr the historical figure is regarded as one of the greatest mages to ever live. His most famous accomplishment is the founding of CoL, and bringing mages together in a time that was rife with secrecy and elitism in the field of magic. He also made great strides in healing magic and paved the way for human immortality. Sadly, he died an early death in a lab accident(or was assassinated, or is secretly still alive somewhere, depending on the conspiracy-level of who you're talking to).

Laharr the person cut himself off from magic somehow during his first attempt at immortality and rather than live with the shame of shattered expectations, faked his own death via exploding his lab & running away to live in obscurity. Apparently the immortality took though, so the obscurity gets to last extra long.

Laharr the person is very bitter and nowadays makes a living as a master thief that only targets prizes hidden behind the most sophisticated magical defenses in existence, because if he can't depend on magic anymore then nobody can, fuck you.

Personality & Outlook

Constantly scheming and watching for opportunities to get ahead. Does not appreciate anyone being better than him at anything. Does not appreciate boundaries/limits and will (cleverly, metaphorically) bash his head against them out of spite.

Just charismatic and skilled and pretty enough to make people want to be on his good side and he's been using it to his advantage his whole life. Very good at giving things he does out of selfishness a positive spin. Greedy & rarely stays satisfied for long.

Doesn't know how to be casually interested in ANYTHING and strives for mastery in all that he does.

Powers & Assets

Anatomy Knowledge
It's one thing from his magic studies that continues to be of use. Given the right equipment he's a serviceable back-alley surgeon. Also can stab you without hitting anything super vital. (doesn't wanna murder anybody)

Magic: Null
Complete inability to manipulate magical energy, can't even activate a light switch. On the bright side he has no magical presence & is invisible to some sensors/senses.

Master Thief
Motivated by spite, mostly targets magically-protected valuables, but you can't just START at high-level heists & he's skilled at sleight-of-hand, lockpicking, dabbles in scamming.



Lilypad [partner-in-crime]
They fence all the shit he steals and also they live together in a tent in the feywilds that's full of junk because they're both fuckign hoarders.


Nix [relic-of-the-past]
He helped her found a city a millennia ago and it turns out its kinda hard to keep your not-death a secret from a god. She's confused about it but let him get away with the death-faking, although to his dismay she will sometimes send people to him(either to relay messages or just to annoy him about the past). Get a phone, Nix.


Alyss [frequent customer]
A regular at Lilypad's Stolen Goods Emporium, she's even commissioned a couple of specific jobs before. He suspects that she might know that he is, in fact, THAT Laharr.


Mixes classic mage and jester aesthetics, loves masks and bright colors and fun patterns and fine fabrics and MYSTIQUE. Refuses to wear a goddamn shirt.


• the crosses in his eyes are reflections-of-nothing, rather than actual physical features(supposed to represent his lack of magic, as magic-users in this universe have radial reflections-of-nothing).

• didn't bother changing his name post-death because it's not an uncommon one(and is still in use even centuries later thanks to his historic relevance, people def name kids after him)

• Hat is his familiar & alive. Its name is Icarus and it mostly just sleeps

• sleight-of-hand game strong. learned how to do stuff like, card tricks & juggling & making doves appear out of thin air, just the not-actually-magic kind of magic

• essentially a mage who rerolled into a rogue

• sometimes u can die a hero AND live long enough to see yourself turn into a villain

• the tattoos were originally used to enhance his magical skill but now they just look cool

• trans; actually his interest in medical studies partially came from a desire to transition & alleviate his ATROCIOUS AMOUNTS OF DYSPHORIA

Q & A

Q: was laharr raised in a certain way that makes him hate the idea of disappointment so much, or was that just a matter of the success he gained as the founder of CoL?
A: (OOC) It's not so much disappointment he fears as it is anyone pitying or looking down their noses at him? Laharr was p much just a street urchin growing up, just living the cliche of a pitiful existence. And then the world of magic & academia he broke into was just, full of elitist snobs & he was constantly having to prove himself. It takes a very stubborn person to get through all that, and once he like, actually made a name for himself, and then lost everything he worked so hard for, he decided young death was a better ending to his story than just fading into obscurity as the poster-child for fucking your shit completely up through pure hubris.

Q: what does he do with the things he steals?
A: (OOC) Mostly he just tosses them into a pile at the back of one of Lilypad's faerealms for a few decades before they decide to sell it at the emporium or trade it off to whatever seedy character is passing through.

Q: did he undergo any huge changes while you were developing him as a character?
A: (OOC) OH, for sure. I mean design-wise...I've changed a few things but the bones are still the same. Personality-wise he used to be much more of a lawful-good type of person than the chaotic-evil he currently is?

Q: "So, why do you steal? Aside from mischeif, do you have a motivation for stealing? Some deep, buried craziness that says 'Hey, I gotta snatch that there necklace to make me feel better'? And do you ever get caught? Any stories about that?"
A: (IC) Laharr narrows his eyes at this actual child trying to psychoanalyze him. But underneath the obvious disdain it hits him that he doesn't actually know. He's just angry, all the time, and taking things that should be secure from people who took them for granted alleviates it. If only temporarily. Still, does he do it because he wants to inflict harm, or because he wants to feel better? Shit, now he's psychoanalyzing himself, gross.

"I do it because I want to. And I didn't take up 'Master Thief' as a title lightly. I don't 'get caught'." Not in a long while, anyways. No one starts out perfect, he's put more than his fair share of practice and study and work into coming this far, and part of that is a long list of failures. But before his thievery he was a Master Student, and never put himself into a position where the repercussions of failure would be too grueling. Don't let his pompous overconfident demeanor fool you, he's methodical as FUCK.

He'd be more honest about how grueling the process was if Ruby seemed like he at all wanted to actually learn or take up the practice of thievery, but he's not getting that vibe at all and isn't going to humor this smiley brat with an impromptu storytime.

Artist Notes

  • the crosses in his eyes are reflections/highlights, & almost-always visible even if there is no light source for his eyes to be reflecting
  • the tattoos are an inconsistent mess. Honestly just do whatever as long as it looks semi-similar it's fine