Kari Hana Miel (Liyué Futsunomita Mei)



2 years, 7 months ago



Full NameJapanese NameNicknamesParty Name
Liyué Futsunomita Mei柳美・布都御魂
(liǔ měi futsunomitama)
None."Little Moons"

21♀ Female160 cm (5'2")66 kg (112 lbs)Half-succubi ; Half-weaponHuoli Region

None: Mei has been born without any elemental allogene, making her unable to use elements. She seems to have something of her own that is not using an allogene.Anima Tormentorum

Other information

September 29th
Futsunomita Clan
Liyué Demon Family

Background & Story

In-Card Introduction:
"Mei is the result of her family's ambitious plan to consolidate all of their inherited powers into an ultimate descendant. Mei dedicated her entire life into edging out her powers to transform into and generate any object, notably weapons. She has not really seen the light of the day outside of her family's house. Mei's element is not known, she says that she has been born without an allogene."

Mei, as part of the Futsunomita clan, is capable of turning into any objects and notably weapons to be wielded. Usually, each family member would only have a single transformation, however Mei is not limited thanks to her demon blood's shapeshifting powers.

Mei became very close friends with Helena during her early childhood, who disappeared during a comet shower 15 years ago. They had plans of being together forever, but it did not go as they planned. This event turned Mei to lose any sense of outward personality and harbour a certain hatred for the world within her. She started wearing exclusively black and white clothing past this point, while bearing a blank, lifeless stare. Her mother Liyué Shū, tried her best to preserve Mei as she was feeling losing her after this event.

She never left the family's domain, as Mei was raised by her mother whom cannot go outside due to being a demon. As Mei is a bastard child and does not bear the Futsunomita's traits it would have become widespread news that the Futsunomita clan have diverted from their pure-blooded lineage and even discover that a demon may be living alongside them, which is taboo. Only Helena was allowed in the domain, because she was Mei's only friend and didn't want to cause problems to either her family or Mei's.

Mei's agitation made her almost kill her family, but was not able to lay a single finger on her mother, who actually asked her to be killed, as it was common ritual for demons to get into the adulthood phase. Shū, Mei's mother tells her dream; to see humans and demons coexist. Mei takes the decision that she will try to become something in this world if not to destroy it, may it not accept her.


Mei is a half-succubi, half-weapon, a human sub-race exclusive to the Futsunomita Clan. She has white hair and pink eyes, with a tanned skin. This means that technically, Mei is not really a human, but two-thirds demon, and one-third human. She is under average height while being decently heavy. Her hair is semi-short, tied in a a curly ponytail, accompanied by a rather large ahoge.

Mei, as pointed out by many during her journey, is a bastard child. Indeed she does not bear the famous traits of the Futsunomita Clan which known to have bright, fiery red hair and eyes. The Kusanagi Clan, have blue traits, Mikazuki's have green traits and Murakomo's have yellow traits, which are all cousins of the Futsunomita Clan.

Her mother is a demon while the Futsunomita Clan is strictly composed of humans. Her father chose a succubi demon, Shū, so he could achieve his ultimate goal. Thanks to her shapeshifting powers, they would be transferred to Mei alongside the Futsunomita's powers. The Futsunomita Clan traits are known to have bright fiery red eyes and hair. Shū on the other hand has white hair and eyes that shift between grey and pink. Mei is able to look like a pure-blooded Futsunomita by shapeshifting, however as she was raised by her mother she feels like looking like her is the only appropriate appearance she can bear.

Mei is born without an allogene. She explains that she was never able to control any element. This is likely due to the fact that she is majorly a demon, which cannot possess an allogene; as allogenes are strictly reserved to humans of great ambition.


Ever since her beloved friend Helena disappeared, Mei has developed a deep hatred for the world, thinking that it has taken her friend away from her. At the same time, she became unable to express feelings or show any expression, she bears a blank, lifeless and soulless stare all the times, and has a monotone voice tone. Even in her agitated state, she remains the same.

Mei has a hard time getting attached to people, however does not refuse to be lead on. She seems indifferent from everything. She explains that the has has a tranquility and agitated state, which dictates how she will act, react and make decisions. Her companions have been baffled on how calm and composed she remains when she becomes destructive and harmful, which makes it hard for them to detect when she tips over between one and another.

She mentions that she wants to change the world, and other times to destroy it. Mei can turn on somebody at any moment and this is what makes people distant from her. Not to mention how she almost annihilated her entire family because of how her mother Shū was treated.

Nobody really tries to understands what is going on with Mei. Shū is the only one that truly knows Mei's inner mechanisms as she raised her until her adulthood. Lumi, who is interested in Mei is trying to find out how she works, and even goes as far to risk her title by paying a visit to Mei's mother for tips.


Liyué Shū
Shū is Mei's mother.
She is the one that raised her through her entire life while Mei's father took care of her training. Shū is extremely kind and caring, she taught herself as a demon not to eat people but only needing blood or seed, which is how she was able to live within the Futsunomita family. Mei has been taught this technique as well, and Shū made sure that Mei can become as inoffensive as she could be. Mei loses her destructive and agitated state of mind when Shū is around, which is why she has stuck around for her entire growth.

Shū as a pure blooded demon, cannot go outside of the house, while Mei is finally able to. Shū tells Mei, that in order to become an adult demon, she must kill her, but Mei refuses, and seemingly lacks the urge to do so unlike regular demons.

As Mei departs to discover the world, Shū tells her dream of seeing demons and humans live alongside each other, and Mei shares the thought as well.

Lumi Älskling:
Lumi has romantic interests towards Mei.

As they met, Lumi found Mei to be rather intriguing and made her want to learn more. This eventually turned into a caring relationship where Lumi tries to give Mei some attention since she judged that she may never have gotten any aside from her mother.

Melia reprimands Lumi for trying to seek out a mortal, and a demon nonetheless which shocks Lumi at first, but understands later the implications of Melia's words. Eventually Lumi confesses to Melia that she may have started to develop feelings towards Mei and wants the relationship to go further, acknowledging that she may be losing her godhood pursuing this relationship.

Mei does not understand why Lumi is so clingy, but as she brings her comfort every time, therefore she does not mind. Mei ends up being able to talk to Lumi and explain why she hates the world because of the loss of Helena. Lumi who cannot replace her promises Mei that she will at least be accepted by her and would always be there for her.

Mei and Lumi eventually end up dating in secret, after Mei's mother, Shū agreed to let Mei into Lumi's hands.
