Rayvn Black



2 years, 7 months ago


  • Rayvn Black

  • age 166
  • gender Female
  • race Irish Vampire
  • role Switch
  • theme  

Independent • Cautious • Protective


Rayvn is an intellectual. While her practice of magic tends to lean towards the more traditional, albeit darker arts that does not mean she doesn't know how to adapt. Over the years, the woman has overcome things that most people would deem impossible. From an early age, she was a bright and talented young woman. She always did what she was told, listened to her governess and paid attention to all of her lessons but that didn't stop her from being primarily independent. This part of her personality was, though stifled in some ways, rather prevalent in others. Most people find the woman pleasant to be around, soft spoken and charming as she is, while others will tell you that she should not be trusted, nor should she be allowed near anyone for their own safety.

Rayvn is not a particularly difficult person to read. Her emotions show quite clearly on her features for the most part, though she is also very good at hiding them when she needs too. Those that know her story are often kept close and seen as dear friends while others that don't know her all that well are kept at arms length. She does have trust issues, due in part from her relationship with her sire, twin sister and a few others that have shown her the darker sides of the world, however, when she does chose to trust someone, she trusts them entirely until proven otherwise.

 "You know nothing of me, Darling. Nor will you ever if you think you will get to me like this." 

height 5'8
build Slender/Athletic
pronouns She/Her
s.o. Straight
dob 10/31/1855
sign Scorpio
origin Irish
occupation Bartender or Lawyer
mbti ISTJ
demeanor Even tempered
tarot Death
element Fire




RudenessDisloyaltyPhysical/Emotional harmThreats

Early Life

Rayvn, along with her twin sister Rayne were born October 31, 1855 to Jace and Lillian Black but Lily had a secret. She had never told Jace but she wasn't entirely sure that the twins were his. Blissfully, they came out with black hair and deep ocean blue eyes. She would be the only one that knew the truth and she would eventually die with that secret. The twins spent most of their childhood in the care of a nanny. They learned about everything they needed to get by as daughters of a Baron. That is not to say that they never saw their parents. Their mother helped when she wasn't making an appearance at some social event and they had their father wrapped around their pinkies. They learned english, Irish, history and home economics. They played, rode horses and enjoyed the pleasured life of nobility.

Fatal Attractions

By the time the twins were fifteen, the girls had suitors lining the walk. There were a few small issues however. Trivial, in the eyes of their father really but to them? It was huge. Rayvn didn't want to marry, not right away. As much as the suitors charmed her and claimed to love her but truthfully, she knew what they wanted. Status, money. There was another problem as well. Her twin, Rayne had fallen for one of her own suitors. She didn't know it at first, although eventually when she told her father that she didn't want to marry and he told her that she and her sister would marry the McGregor brothers. Rayvn would have refused if she had the ability, but instead she did as she was told, coming up with a plan in secret that would eventually get both herself and her sister killed. The day of their wedding, the young women switched places. At the very least, she wanted her twin to be happy. However, their Fiance's had a secret as well. The two men were vampires, born that way it seemed. When they realized the switch had happened, they turned the two women, killing the witnesses to keep their secret.

Modern Nights

After fifty years of traveling with her sister and their 'husbands', Rayvn had enough. She took her ten year old little sister and left the small troupe, finding her way to America with the young girl. Eventually, as the world changed, the woman did as well. She went to school for Criminal Law, spent years as a lawyer before having to vanish so that she wasn't found out. It was during this time that she had taken to hunting at bars. The young vampire was in one when a trio of what she would later discover to be Fae came in. The male of the group caught her attention, the two making eye contact for what felt like an eternity before she finally made her move. She walked over to him and the two talked and eventually walked out together. The woman's plan was to feed, but the man was quick witted and fully capable of getting himself out of a bad situation. Somehow, he managed to talk his way out of it. Rayvn thought that she would never see the man again and so she remained in the shadows for a few more years before returning to school to become a bartender. After that, she opened up her own bar in downtown Los Angeles, keeping a relatively low profile for the most part but those in the supernatural comminutiy frequented the bar.


Rayne Black

[ Twin Sister ] Rayvn's twin sister and the polar opposite of the well-bred, demure and independant woman. Where Rayvn went on to become a business owner, Rayne found her own delights in the sins of the flesh. Catty, vindictive and feeling as if the world owes her everything.


Abbigail Black

[ Little Sister ] Generally psychotic due to being turned at such a young age. The youngest Black child is a hidden gem. After years of searching and the help of an old friend, Rayvn finally found a way to age the child. While it didn't entirely fix the child's psychosis, it did put her in a better state of mind. Well enough, at least for her to be able to go to school and have a semi-normal childhood.



[ Old Friend/Love interest ] Cairbre is the one that got away, literally and figuratively. This Fae male has a unique relationship with Rayvn. They bonded over alcohol, in a bar where she was hunting. Her intention was to feed form him, but the man managed to talk himself out of the situation and Rayvn's interest blossomed from there. Now that she has her own bar, Cair tends to frequent it, quickly becoming one of her regulars. Though Rayvn won't admit it, she has found herself taking more than just a friendly liking to the man.


Vincent Baxter

[ Biological Father ] Rayvn has known Vincent for quite a while. They ran into each other after she was turned and while he did not like her sire or his brother, the two got along quite well. What Rayvn doesn't know is that Vincent is her biological father, as well as Rayne's. Vincent was the man that her mother had an affair with but neither Rayvn, Rayne nor Vincent are aware of this fact.


Darius and Marrow McGregor

[ Sires ] The McGregor brothers are Rayvn, Rayne and Abbie's Sires. The two of them turned the girls on their wedding day, killing the rest of the wedding party to get rid of the witnesses. They travelled with each other for fifty years, until Rayvn realized that the way that they were going about things did not suit her. She took Abbigail and left for the united states, the brothers were not happy about this but they ultimately let her go. Darius has been known to seek her out, though for the most part Rayvn avoids them.


Marius 'Marki' Baxter

[ Biological Uncle ] Rayvn has a very good relationship with Marki. The two bonded over makeup and fashion, she's always enjoyed his company and often gives the man free drinks when he comes into her bar. She has gotten rather close to the Baxter family as a whole, due largely in part to Abbigail dating Damon Baxter. Aside from this, the woman considers Marki a very close and personal friend, even if she doesn't know that he is her uncle.

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