Rayne Black



2 years, 7 months ago


  • Rayne Maleficent Black

  • age 166
  • gender Female
  • race Irish Vampire
  • role Submissive
  • theme

Seductive • Alluring • Rebellious


Rayne is the 'youngest' Black Twin. Polar opposite of her sister, Rayvn. Where Rayvn excudes Sophisticated grace, Rayne has given in to her love of Carnal sins and bloodlust. Though she's not typically one for cruelty, the young woman typically leaves a trail of bodies in her wake. She has slowed down on the killing, only doing so on the rare occasions that she loses control.

The younger twin lives a bit more on the wild side. Eventually, she did split from their sires as well, however Rayne decided that instead of seeking out a career, she would find something that more suited her needs. Rayne decided to become a stripper and escort, indulging further in the carnal sins that she enjoyed so much.

"Listen, Doll. All happiness comes with a price, mine just happens to be higher than you can afford."

height 5'8

build Slender/Athletic

pronouns She/Her

s.o. Bisexual, Male lean

dob October 31, 1855

sign Scorpio

origin Irish

occupation Escort/Stripper

mbti ENFP

demeanor Wild Child

tarot Death

element Ice


  • People
  • Sex
  • Money
  • Blood shed


  • Abstanence
  • High Society
  • Prudes
  • Societal Norms

Early Years

Rayne, along with her twin sister Rayvn were born October 31, 1855 to Jace and Lillian Black but Lily had a secret. She had never told Jace but she wasn't entirely sure that the twins were his. Blissfully, they came out with black hair and deep ocean blue eyes. She would be the only one that knew the truth and she would eventually die with that secret. The twins spent most of their childhood in the care of a nanny. They learned about everything they needed to get by as daughters of a Baron. That is not to say that they never saw their parents. Their mother helped when she wasn't making an appearance at some social event and they had their father wrapped around their pinkies. They learned english, Irish, history and home economics. They played, rode horses and enjoyed the pleasured life of nobility.

Fatal Attraction

By the time the twins were fifteen, the girls had suitors lining the walk. There were a few small issues however. Trivial, in the eyes of their father really but to them? It was huge. Rayvn didn't want to marry, not right away. Rayne didn't know about this until it was too late, else she would have tried to talk her sister out of it. As much as the suitors charmed her and claimed to love her but truthfully, she knew what they wanted. Status, money. There was another problem as well. Rayne had fallen for one of her own suitors. Eventually when Rayvn told her father that she didn't want to marry the man was furious and told her that she and her sister would marry the McGregor brothers. Rayne was thrilled, until she found out that she had been paired with the wrong brother. The two came up with a plan in secret that would eventually get both herself and her sister killed. The day of their wedding, the young women switched places. At the very least, Rayne was happy. However, their Fiance's had a secret as well. The two men were vampires, born that way it seemed. When they realized the switch had happened, they turned the two women, killing the witnesses to keep their secret.

Modern Nights

Rayne quite enjoyed the thrill of feeding and the endorphins she got from sex, due to this she remained with her sire and his brother for nearly a hundred years of choas and blooddshed before she finally grew bored of their company and the stifling control of her 'husband'. The woman left the two men, eventually making her way to America where she bounced between taverns, brothels and strip clubs. Unlike her twin, the woman tends to be more wild, uncaring of those around her unless she sees them as a means to an end.


Abbigail Black

[ Little Sister ] The youngest Black child, though she is related to the Black twins through their mother, Jace is her biological father. The young woman was killed by Darius and reborn as a vampire on her twin sister's wedding night. At the age of ten, the change broke her mind, causing the young girl to be turned into a viscious, indiscriminate killing machine. Still, Rayvn cared for her, keeping her a secret for years until, with the help of a close friend, she found a way to age the child. Abbie is now a happy, healthy sixteen year old who lives a relatively normal life, though she is closely monitored by her sister in order to ensure that she does not slip into madness once again.


The McGregor Brothers

[ Sires ] The McGregor brothers are Rayvn, Rayne and Abbie's Sires. The two of them turned all three on their wedding day, killing the rest of the wedding party to get rid of the witnesses. They travelled with each other for fifty years, until Rayvn realized that the way that they were going about things did not suit her. She took Abbigail and left for the united states, the brothers were not happy about this but they ultimately let her go. After Rayne left them as well, Marrow found himself wanting but, unlike his brother, he left Rayne to her own devices, seeking out a replacement in her stead.


Vincent Baxter

[ Biological Father ] Unlike her twin, Rayne never really had a run in with Vincent until recently. They ran into each other after she was turned, the young woman attempting to flirt with his brother and him. Insulted when her advances were refused by both, the young woman has a very rocky relationship with vincent, boardering on loathing and hatred for the man. Neither twin knows that he is their biological father.


Marius 'Marki' Baxter

[ Biological Uncle ] Rayne has a very rocky relationship with Marki as well. They have worked together for a couple years, though Marki has always proven to be the better dancer. The young woman has, somehow, managed to stay off of Vlad's radar, likely due to the fact that the woman has proven time and time again that she has no real loyalties to anyone.


Rayvn Victoria Black

[ Twin Sister ] The Eldest of the twins, Rayvn and Rayne's relationship started out just as any twins did. They were extremely close and nearly inseperable. As they grew, her sister clung to the ways they were taught, whereas Rayne grew bored with them. Being a 'lady' simply didn't appeal to her. She wanted to be on her own, take care of herself and make her own way. The two grew apart and, after they were turned, grew to loathe each other. Their differences seperated them and neither has ever made an effort to reconcile.

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