Abbigail Marie Black



2 years, 7 months ago


  • Abbigail Marie Black

  • age 156
  • gender Female
  • race Irish Vampire
  • role Switch, Submissive lean
  • theme

Sweet • Gentle • Nerdy


Abbigail is a gentle soul, through and through. She has a shy, sweet demeanor and a love for books, especially shakesphere. However, she does have a dark secret. When she was turned, her mind was broken due to the intensity of the change.

Having been turned at ten, the young woman was rendered insane. Bloodlust consumed her, the need to rip, tear and otherwise dismember her prey overwhelming and uncontrollable. That didn't stop her elder sister from keeping her as best she could. She kept the child in secret, locked away in her family's old Manor home. When she moved to the states, Abbigail was moved with her, keeping her locked away until she could find a way to age the girl in attempt to put the pieces of her broken mind back together.

Beneath the young woman's mental state, however. There is and always was a soft spoken, sweet young woman that occasionally found her way to the surface. During her 'good days' the young woman's personality returned, the child seemingly confused about the periods of 'darkness'. Later in life, however. When she grew up, her personality never changed from the sweet natured, soft hearted person that she once was.

"There's rosemary, that's for remembrance. Pray you, love, remember. And there is pansies, that's for thoughts." Hamlet - Act 3, Scene 1

height 5'0

build Slender/Athletic

pronouns She/Her

s.o. Bisexual - Male leaning

dob August 25, 1865

sign Virgo

origin Irish

occupation Student

mbti IFNP

demeanor Soft spoken

tarot Hermit

element Fire


  • Shakesphere
  • Mythology
  • Books
  • Learning


  • Liars
  • Decievers
  • Rude/uncouth people
  • Distruction of literary works

And this, our life, exempt from public haunt, finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything.

Abbigail Marie Black was born August 25, 1865 to Jace and Lilian Black. The young girl grew up much like her two older sisters did. She was taken care of by her nursemaid and her mother for the first half of her life and when she was old enough, she started being given lessons by the same Nanny that had taught her sisters. She was a very happy, albeit shy child in her formative years. The young woman remained close to both of her sisters, however it was abundantly clear that she enjoyed Rayvn's presence most of all. This was likely due to the fact that Rayvn paid her the most attention, as well as ensuring that the young woman paid attention to her studies.

I were better to be eaten to death with a rust than to be scoured to nothing with perpetual motion.

To say that Abbigail looked up to Rayvn was an understatement. The young woman was like a mother to her, even with their own so constantly in the picture. So much so, that when it came time for her sisters to marry, she had been allowed to be the flower girl. She was proud to do such a thing for the ones she admired so much, but no one could have expected the outcome. When the grooms attacked, along side their parents, little Abbie was caught in the crossfire. She had tried to run, but the child being so near the alter due to her position next to her sister, she didn't get far. Darius caught her rather quickly and the stunned, kicking and screaming child was soon slaughtered like the rest, however that was not the end of the young girl's plight, but only the beginning. When she awoke, she was next to Rayvn, her throat burning with a thirst she had never before known and a mind so shattered, all she could think about was sating it. No one knew what had happened to the young woman, but it wouldn't take long to notice the shift in personality and constant need to sate her hunger.

If you can look into the seeds of time, and say which grain will grow and which will not, speak then unto me.

Abbigail traveled with Rayvn, Rayne and their sires for about thirty years before Rayvn decided it would be best for her to simply remain at their old family home. The child's appetite and need to toy with her victims was becoming out of hand, so much so that the woman could hardly bare to see her little sister like that. Locked away, hidden from the world, the ten year old remained in the manor, her eldest sister bringing her sustinance on a nightly basis. This went on until the woman decided to split from the group, only then did Abbigail breathe her home's air for the last time before Rayvn took her to America where she continued to keep the child a secret, ensuring her safety and the safety of others by keeping her in her room until she was eventually able to find a way to age the young girl. Now, at 'sixteen', Abbigail's mind was able to repair itself from her previous state, thus giving the young teen the ability to live a semi-normal life while still being closely monitored by her sister. That was, at least until she met Damon at a school party. Her love of books and lore, especially Shakespeare attracted her to the young man and, after he got rid of another kid that was picking on her, the two formed a bond that would later bloom into romance.


Damon Baxter

[ Boyfriend ] Love is too young to know what conscience is. Abbigail met Damon at a school bonfire, where the young woman was being hit on and then teased by another male when Damon stepped up in her defense. After that, they began talking and, eventually started spending more and more time together. Their shared love of books and shakespeare drew them together, their first kiss being shared due to a reinactment of Romeo and Juliet as they watched the movie together.


Rayvn Victoria Black

[ Eldest Sister ] The voice of parents is the voice of gods, for to their children they are heaven's lieutenants. Rayvn is the Eldest of the Black Sisters and the one that Abbigail has the strongest relationship with. After the untimely and brutal demise of their parents and the traumatising death that all three endured, Rayvn was the one that looked after and cared for Abbigail, she was also the one that sought out a cure for the child's condition and eventually found one, enabling her to live a relatively normal life.


Rayne Maleficent Black

[ Sister ] Love is not love that alters when it alteration finds. Rayne is the middle child of the three sisters, and while she was present in Abbigail's formative years, after the three were embraced and turned into vampires, the woman's presence in her life was severely lacking. There is a rift that has formed between the two, while Rayne does still care for Abbigail and would do anything for the child, her distance and unwillingness to reform or strengthen the bond that had once been there has sucessfully caused Abbigail to become indifferent towards her.

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