Tarren Lucienson



6 years, 7 months ago


Tarren is a half-elf bard. Human mother, forest elf father. The Core Rulebook makes a point of mentioning the racism half elves feel from both sides, so that's an issue for him. As a result, half-elves also rarely ever judge someone else by appearance and will make friends with just about everyone if they can. His father stuck around long enough to grant Tarren a name, before peacing out. The name "Kiransa" is taken from the elven family his father belonged to. Technically, Tarren has no actual right to use the name Kiransa, being a half-elf bastard child, but he feels like it would raise a lot of uncomfortable questions if he didn't call himself something. Tarren has finally met the one who fathered him, and after Tarren helped deal with some serious issues with undead mooks and vampires attacking the family, he has proven himself worthy of the name Lucienson.

He grew up in the human town of Waterdeep, raised by his mother who honestly didn't like him very much. No one in the town did, honestly, but the other option was to abandon him to die alone, which is even less okay. They may be racist but they aren't monsters. Leaving a baby to die, honestly. So he stayed with his mother and her husband for his childhood. During this stay, his younger half-sister was born, a full human named Tamarie Hathaway. Tarren has nine or ten years and change on her. Unlike everybody else in the village, Tamarie loves her brother "Ren" to pieces and doesn't care what anyone else says about him. Tarren left/was forced from the village in his late teens, finally able to fend for himself. Unsure what to do with his life, other than this vague concept of "shadowdancer" he's chasing, Tarren just kind of dicks around Golarion doing odd jobs here and there. He's always sending little gifts and sometimes gold back to his sister in secret, and he does try to stop by for secret meetings with her every few months when he's in the area.

He has a magic guitar. Guitars aren't actually a thing in that world, but this was created and given to him by a devil for whom fantasy-world limitations are more of a... suggestion. In exchange for this guitar, which boosts his skills and will help him on his way into a prestige class, he has to follow Marilasse. (He's kind of a wimp, but they needed a "white mage", so she was begrudgingly convinced.) She didn't really like him, but his magic and buffs and silver tongue have proven quite useful. He was not friends with her, but was honestly more scared of what Olivia (the devil who made the guitar) might do to him if he didn't go through with this. He needed an excuse, though, so he acted like he was in love with her and played up that angle for all its worth even though he's not interested in women at all. Dude is gay as hell. The truth has come out now because of circumstances, so now Marilasse and Tarren are finally developing proper respect for each other.

I like to imagine him playing like 5 or 6 different instruments; the image of him with an ocarina especially really appeals to me. He also sings. He's a full head taller than Marilasse. It's funny. He's also easily sidetracked by pretty dudes. The type of person to listen to catchy meme songs unironically if he were in the present day. Tik Tok and Bad Romance, possibly Alejandro, would be personal favorites. Also, Carly Rae Jepsen and Ariana Grande.

https://www.pinterest.com/nekochankitty/tarren/ Lots of bright colors, very fashionable and charismatic dude. Put him into almost anything, he'll rock it. He is one of the characters I am okay with fanservice-y stuff for.

Also his voice claim is Danny Sexbang, from Ninja Sex Party.