


6 years, 7 months ago


Could've sworn I had more art of this guy, but apparently not.

This is less a character and more a representative of a species. Xenokampos are a semiaquatic species, about three feet tall on average, known for their strange defense mechanic. Their long, tube-like snouts aren't good for much more than eating insects with their sticky black tongues or defending themselves, and the way they do so is...certainly unique. Around their neck area there is a set of two large pouches, typically deflated, but the creature can quickly fill them with an oily black fluid, with pigment areas on the surface of each pouch flaring up bright orange at maximum capacity. It can then spit this fluid out at attackers, and while it is not directly harmful in any way, its chemical composition aggravates nerves and induces a very painful burning sensation at the area of contact.

Xenokampos are generally relaxed and docile creatures, not attacking unless provoked and being generally quite calm around curious humans. Xenokampos are domesticated in some locations, and they are often selectively bred for more extravagant colors and crest shapes. The natural pale blue-grey colors, however, are still quite commonly seen.

It is unknown how, but Xenokampos always appear a bit washed out in photos, especially those with the natural colors. Video recording does not have this effect.