Jim McCloud



2 years, 7 months ago



He's the brave leader of Star Fox and the son of Fox McCloud of Falco Lombardi. He'd do anything to make his team, his parents and his late grandfather proud. Like the old team, they defend the Lylat System from evil forces. He sometimes has dreams about his grandfather, James McCloud. When times are tough, they tend to be there more often. One time, when they were in a tough battle in space, he could've sworn his grandfather was right there with him.

Jim is dating Valentine Hare, who apparently had a crush on him for many years before. Who knew??

It broke his heart, when his childhood best friend, Charlie, switched sides and became a member of Star Wolf... It makes it really hard for him and his entire team to fight them. But as a leader, he can't just back off.

  • courageous
  • relilabe
  • respectful
  • sometimes a bit reckless
  • food
  • ear rubs (also belly rubs, but don't tell)
  • Valentine
  • chill days

He's a surrogate child. Meaning, a female (in this case, a vixen) offered to give birth to him. His biological father is Fox McCloud. He was lovingly raised by Fox and his life partner, Falco Lombardi on Corneria. He's the youngest of all the children that were born within the old Star Fox team. He mostly had a very happy childhood, with lots of good friends to play with almost every day. He quickly became best friends with Charlie Grey, as they were able to visit each other very often.
Jim's parents sometimes got into arguments, which was scary to him, but it's also thanks to him that their fights became less and less over time.
He sometimes had dreams about a person he never met... Who could it have been?

His parents taught him everything he knows about combat and flying spaceships. It was very clear from the beginning that he would become the leader of the new Star Fox team, once it would be time for the old one to retire.
He learned quickly and with lots of enthusiasm. And even though he spent lots of time learning and keeping his body in shape, he of course didn't forget about his friends. How could he? They were often training together, as they would form the new Star Fox team once the time was right.
He still sometimes had dreams of a person, just like in his childhood. But by now he was sure that the person in his dreams was in fact his late grandfather. He never asked himself why he had dreams about him, even though he's never met him.

  • He's pansexual
  • He's able to communicate with his late grandfather, James McCloud
  • He tends to wag his tail when he's happy
  • He might ragequit sometimes when playing videogames
  • He rarely wears a pair of sunglasses

Valentine Hare

He's dating his long-time friend and teammate, Valentine. He enjoys spending time with him (he especially loves the cuddles). Val is also a very important member of the team, since he sometimes invents little gadgets and he's also skilled at repairing their ships etc if they're malfunctionin. He tends to call him "bun" or "bunny".


Drake Toad

An extremely talented pilot and very good friend. Unlike Drake's father, Slippy, Drake himself is very much capable of getting out of tricky situations himself. Jim can trust him completely and sometimes it's Drake who gets HIM out of trouble.


Skyler Monroe

Even though Skyler is a bit too easygoing sometimes, he's still an important part of the team, as his piloting and combat skills, and especially his combo attacks with his sister are irreplacable.


Stella Monroe

He's not quite sure why she (together with her brother) constantly flirts with all kinds of people they come across. Also they often tend to tease him and Val, but otherwise Stella and Skyler are two very talented and loyal pilots and good friends.


Fox McCloud

His biological dad and leader of the second gen Star Fox team. He inherited the Great Fox from him. Fox taught him everything he knows about being a good leader, and even though Jim is sure he isn't as good of a leader as his dad was, but he hopes to be as close to it as possible in the future. He wants to make his family proud, after all. Jim and Fox are very close and they've often shared their experiences of encountering James McCloud, Fox's late father, in dreams or visions with each other.


Falco Lombardi

His other dad and ace pilot of the second gen Star Fox team. Definitely the coolest dad anyone could ever ask for! Falco has taught him a lot about combat and piloting. He maybe even taught him some very risky manouvers, but don't tell Fox. Jim is definitely not as much of an ace pilot as his dad, but the latter still couldn't be more proud of him, even if he rarely says that. Falco tends to call Jim "Furball", which is a nickname he gave him when he was just a baby. Jim wishes he wouldn't call him that in front of his friends, though.


James McCloud

late grandfather
Jim has never met him in person, but he's been having dreams about late grandfather for as long as he can remember. As he grew older, the dreams tended to appear more often and they became clearer over the years. Sometimes he's able to actually communicate with him. He can't do it whenever he pleases, but it happens every now and then.


Charlie Grey

He lost one of his best friends, and to this day he isn't sure why. He just feels that it's somehow his fault. It hurts to fight him in battle against Star Wolf.


Thika Powalski and Team Star Wolf

She and her team are always up to no good and Star Fox are usually the ones stopping them from their evil plans. Seems like the old Team Star Fox and Star Wolf have always been rivals...

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