Drake Toad



2 years, 7 months ago



If a person can be the sane one and at the same time goof off a lot, that's Drake's role in his friend group. He seems to always be in a good mood and ready to hang out with his friends, or to be there to support them if needed. He'd probably die for his friends if they let him. While he likes to joke around with the Monroe twins, he also probably moderates them a whole lot and stops them from doing anything too silly or stupid.

As the son of one of the second gen Star Fox pilots, Drake wants to do his best to live up to his dad's reputation - and he does, even surpasses it in some aspects. He doesn't care about studying though and secretly dreams of becoming a professional racer one day. If the Star Fox business were to end, that is.

  • mischievous
  • loyal
  • extroverted
  • sensible
  • cheerful
  • jokes and friendly teasing
  • racing
  • his friends
  • adrenaline rush
  • physical activity

Born to Slippy Toad of Star Fox and a lovely lizard lady named Lizabeth Cardinas Espinoza, Drake was loved dearly from the start. He's the oldest of five siblings and the kind of big brother that gets the cookie jar off the top of the shelf to share the cookies with all of his siblings in secret. He's always been a little bit of a troublemaker at home, letting himself be persuaded to do forbidden and just simply reckless things by his siblings (he once climbed a tall tree and couldn't get down on his own. He still hears about it from his mom) and even sometimes taking the blame for some things his younger siblings did. Even so, Drake was a good kid with a heart of gold and never meant any harm with his antics.

He was an active and outdoorsy kid, even demanding to go outside in heavy rain (well, as a half-frog, he does like the rain!) and spending hours building treehouses and sandcastles and running around playing with his friends and siblings. The more the merrier was definitely true for Drake, and he also enjoyed attention.

Drake has always been very tall and big for his age, growing past his father in height in his pre-teens. While his mother isn't remarkably big or tall herself, the men in her family tend to be huge, which is where Drake gets it from. He has been teased about it a few times, but mostly other kids were just happy to have a big friend to protect them from bullies and to help them over fences and so on. Drake felt a little clumsy sometimes, being a big kid, but he's grown into his body and carries himself well.

Slippy wanted his son to follow in his footsteps and become a mechanic, but Drake was never very into that. He wasn't interested in studying either, always either mediocre or just passing in school. Reading and homework was the last thing on the kid's mind; after all, there was an entire world out there to explore! While mechanic work was of no interest to him, he did learn to fly his dad's old Arwing pretty early on and would sneak out to fly "just a little bit." Somehow, he never managed to crash the ship. He was scolded numerous times but reprimand has always slid off him easily like water off motor oil. Besides, the risk of getting caught was always a part of the excitement!

After finishing school, Drake helped his father with his work despite his lack of interest in the business, until Jim McCloud took over Star Fox and asked Drake to join. Drake's eyes absolutely lit up when he was asked, and he agreed in a millisecond. Slippy was a little bit disappointed that his son wasn't interested in taking over his work one day, which did make Drake feel guilty for a while, even though Slippy never actually voiced his disappointment. It caused some friction in their relationship until they had a long, deep chat about it all a year or so later. Drake no longer feels guilty for pursuing what he wants to do in life, and Slippy is just proud to see his son become a more skilled pilot than he ever was.

  • He's asexual and panromantic
  • He kind of has a crush on the Monroe twins
  • He gets sleepy in the cold
  • He looks like he can hold his liquor, but he can't
  • Star Wolf tends to call him "Spikes"

Jim McCloud

Drake absolutely loves to tease their leader about, well, anything and everything. He does respect Jim a lot though and thinks the world of him, plus his teasing is never malicious. He also works hard to keep up with Jim's piloting skills and secretly really wants to impress the fox.


Valentine Hare

Drake might go a little easier on Val with his teasing, but just a little. He also tries to give casual compliments as often as he can to boost Val's self-confidence. Drake is a little envious of Val's mechanical knowledge, but mostly just thinks he's really awesome.


Skyler Monroe

Out of their friend group, Drake probably spends the most time with the twins and would consider them his best friends. They joke around, flirt playfully but totally platonically, and talk about everything. It's a little easier to have physical contact - like friendly pats on the back - with Sky than his sister.


Stella Monroe

If Drake wants to race or do some training flying, he'll ask the twins. He likes flirting with them too, which they do a lot, even though lately it's started to leave him a bit more flustered than before. Stella's the twin Drake would rather go for advice.


Slippy Toad and Lizabeth Cardinas Espinoza

Generally, Drake gets along well with is parents, even though they've had to scold him a lot in the past for his antics. He knows they love him and he loves them just as much, and he's never been one to argue much. Drake also adores his younger siblings.


Charlie Grey

They used to be great friends, so Drake felt hurt when Charlie left them for Star Wolf. In all honesty, Drake views it as a sort of a betrayal, and refuses to talk to Bandit when their teams clash. He'd give a lot to get Charlie back into their friend group though.


Thika Powalski and Team Star Wolf

Drake kind of enjoys ruining Star Wolf's day. It's a challenge and the adrenaline rush het gets from their battles is almost addictive. The only reason Drake would rather not see them is Charlie's presence.

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