


2 years, 8 months ago


🛈 This character is from Iron Company, my visual novel project in progress!

Full Name: Jacob Carson (casually, he goes by "Jack")
Age: 39
Pronouns: He/Him
Height: 6 feet 3 inches (191cm)
Favorite Food: Spicy Potato Stew (family recipe)
🏳️‍🌈 ?: The rare holofoil cishet of the party.

A big hug that became a person. Jack is the "dad friend". He's very outwardly affectionate with his friends and loved ones. Easy-going and diplomatic by nature, and genuine in his belief that anyone can change for the better, he's always the first to offer an olive branch or step in to end a fight. Anxiety or frustration can still get the best of him when tensions are high, though, and he's not above knocking some heads together to end a conflict, or breaking some knees to protect someone he cares about.

Before the war, he was a cattle rancher. He fought for the Southern Territories alongside Sykes and Kell. He lost touch with his family at the beginning of the war, and wanders with Iron Company hoping that, by some miracle, he might find them. Jack is stuck in an in-between state in his life, missing his lost family, unsure whether he should keep looking or just move on. He feels like he's always waiting.

• BIG-TIME Wife Guy and Girl Dad.
• Likes to gently tease his friends, but then immediately apologizes just in case it wasn't as funny as he thought.
• Always reading the room and assessing everyone's feelings, and often makes himself anxious doing so.
• WILL make you take a nap if you are tired and grumpy and overworked. Do not test him. He can pick you up.
• He has maxed out the entire Dad Skill tree: Fix Stuff. Barbecue. Pep Talk. Be Outdoors For Various Reasons.
• Can use a little bit of healing magic.
• He can play the guitar.
• Very focused on taking care of other people and sometimes forgets to take care of himself too. He can also be overbearing in this way.
• If a friend truly and deeply hurts his feelings, he will just bury it and try to forget about it, until it bubbles to the surface somehow.

Relationships To Other Characters
SykesHe sort of mentored Sykes, then later ended up under his command, and also, they are Very Good Friends. It's a weird relationship, but they're both insufferably reasonable about it.
KellFriends forged in fire. Kell often challenges Carson's patience, but at the end of the day, they're bros.
PetraWas there for the Inciting Incident Fight between her and Sykes. Willing to give her a second chance since war's fucked up, but he's Business Apprehensive.
MaddieInstantly adopted her as a daughter. Would throw himself into any danger to protect this precious nerd baby.
NaomiAnother spontaneous adoption who he would die for. She taught him a bit about healing magic, for which he's eternally grateful.
ErikaDoes not know the Horrible Truth.