Graysmite Wyrmbane



2 years, 7 months ago


Gray is a pure white-furred afflicted Gilnean with holy white eyes. In her Human form, she is dark-skinned with a black afro and has the same white gaze. She is the daughter of Judas and Laila Hudson, two corrupt Gilnean nobles with a genetic thirst for violence cursed upon their specific bloodline. She struggles against this dark force, even now that her crazed, Light-zealous parents are long gone, as well as mourns the loss of her sister, Veronica, who fell due to her own hubris and indulgence in violence. Now, she seeks to correct the wrongs of her noble family, reconnect with her siblings (her long-lost brother, Scar, and an alternate timeline version of Veronica), serve the Shadows of the Faithful (now led by her husband Lancelot Wyrmbane) and raise her children, Edith and Simon Wyrmbane, the best she can, all while under the immense pressure of a guilty conscience.