Phoebelynn Swiftbreeze



2 years, 1 day ago


Phoebe is a pale-skinned, small, skinny female Kaldorei with forest-green hair and distinctive teal eyes. She has green claw designs across her eyes, crescent earrings and a nose ring. Raised by her aunt, Commander Alindel Swiftbreeze, Phoebe grew up without much knowledge of her birth parents and considered the Commander her adoptive mother. She later befriended two elves named Shujiinko and Fauna, the latter of whom actually served as a Sentinel under Alindel in Ashenvale, but unfortunately died in a border skirmish against the Horde, leaving Phoebe and Shujii behind. Since then, Phoebe has lost connection with Shujiinko in the Burning of Teldrassil, reconnected with him, entered a relationship with him, reconnected with Fauna (now a Death Knight under the name of Frost), and learned more about her birth parents, and has pledged herself to the guild the Shadows of the Faithful that have helped her get to this point while she takes assassination gigs under the radar to make a living in the meantime.