Hanethrick Grimsford



1 year, 10 months ago


Hanethrick is a pale-skinned, raven-haired undead Forsaken warlock with sickly green eyes, rotted patches on his jaw and leather binding criss-crossing his face to keep his skull held together. He often dons a plague doctor's mask and protective clothing, as he is an alchemist, apothecary, and mad scientist that enjoys studying plague and other corrosive chemicals. Unfortunately, this fascination for weapons of war landed him in service to Sylvanas Windrunner as she was committing genocide in the Alliance cities of both Gilneas and Darnassus. Even if he was never actually on the battlefield, and only sold his plague to Sylvanas's war effort to make a living, Hanethrick lives with an immense guilt in his assistance to these horrible acts, and goes out of his way to mend his wrongdoings by showing respect to the cultures he helped to harm and the graves he helped to create. He is now in a polyamorous relationship with a Gilnean Worgen by the name of Scar Hudson and their respective ghost wives, Dahlia Grimsford and Zira Lyon, and also serves as a strategist council member and doctor of the Warblade Clan.