


2 years, 7 months ago



name Shine Sparks
age 14
gender Female
pros She/Her
s.o dcnd4mk-59a6e615-ced4-438f-9ae1-96f1d6a4
status Taken
height 155 cm
role Main character
species Human
mbti ENFJ sp216?
voice claim Sakura (Fire Emblem, english)
brutal - olivia rodrigo
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kind . emotional . short-tempered

her weird name might actually describe what people see of her from the outside: sweet, polite, caring, intelligent, perfect...someone who's always "spreading a safe and positive light around herself and others". truth is, she hides a much more traumatized and emotionally unstable side that she tries to hide, thinking that it'll make her unworthy of her peers' praise and validation.

from a dysfunctional family, to costant judgement and isolation throughout her childhood, she has developed awful mood swings and is much quicker to anger.



height 155 cm
weight Average
build Pear shaped body
hairstyle Short + hairpins
eye colour Blue
blood colour Red LOL
flesh colour Human

design notes

Nails are matched with hairpins
Chubbier legs
Without makeup, she has only three eyelashes under her eyes (?)
Often has wrinkles on her face due to stress



she's very sweet and caring, always ready to give a hand to who's in need. she appears as a smart, polite and graceful girl around her peers, but might be "too nice" at times by helping others even when it's not needed. the reality, is that she's an anxious people-pleaser with bad emotional instability who tries to hide such flaws so she'll look perfect to society's eyes; whenever she struggles to keep her perfect mask on, she mirrors others' personalities or forces herself to get interested in their same hobbies. she depends heavily on how she's perceived; one single negative comment is enough to make her spiral into depression.

due to her family trauma and difficulty in keeping friends, she developed anger issues and bad mood swings: when mistreated or triggered, she gets furios and lashes out at whoever is around her while destroying anything that gets in her hands, followed by intense guilt and depression once she cools down. she's deeply ashamed of such issues and represses her anger continuosly, without always succeeding.

she freaks out easily and is much more emotional than her friends; if one of them falls and gets a scratch, she would act as if her friend's dying and call an ambulance, while covering her buddy with way too many bandages.

she's very motherly with her loved ones, but can be overly protective at times; if someone dares to hurt them, she'll make sure to kick their ass and make them pay. she babies her friends a lot and acts as if they're always walking on fragile glass that will fall apart at any moment.

while usually very sensitive and "girly", she can be pretty tough, agile and assertive when challenged, ready to fight when needed. she'll always stand up for what's right and won't tolerate unfairness.


  • Hanging out with loved ones
  • Studying and reading
  • Tulips
  • Winter


  • Being judged negatively
  • Loneliness
  • Her family and twin sister
  • Herself LMAO

with friends

mom friend of the group! and always pulling her friends out of trouble.

with partners

super lovey dovey and romantic <33 but also a lil overprotective hehe.



she and her older twin sister star come from a rich family that holds a certain amount of power over the neighboorhood, due to its first owners being older relatives from centuries earlier; to this day, her parents spend money adjusting and improving the place, which got them the respect and trust from all the other families living there. her mom is a model and her dad takes photos for models' and celebrities' gossip magazines, which got them to launch their own agency that turned out to be successful, hence all the money that followed. ever since she was a kid, she was aware that her parents were much more loving towards star; both always received expensive gifts and could afford more luxuries than other children their age, yet shine never received much affection or love from them. her sister, on the other hand, was cuddled and filled with attention all the time. if she ever tried to impress them, she would barely get a compliment, and if she ever questioned about her lack of attention she would get called "sensitive". not only was she outcasted, but her sister began bullying her out of the blue whenever she refused to do as she said, or simply out of boredom; whenever they played together, shine had to follow everything star said or she would get beaten up and insulted. it got to the point where star just hated her guts and decided to isolate her from all their peers, leaving her with no friends. it didn't help that they went to the same schools and star was popular amongst the other kids. during elementary school, she managed to befriend who will later become her future boyfriend, yet this lead him to become star's target. once shine learns that she and her group were ganging up on him, all of that bottled up rage finally spills out and she jumps on her sister, causing her a trip to the hospital and shine's suspension from school. star is now avoiding her, the relationship with her parents worsened and her peers judged her costantly for being "scary" or "a bad person", leading her to develop social anxiety and depression. that's when she decides to mask her sufferings in order to receive the love she's always craved. later on, she develops feelings for her first friend that despite being reciprocated, neither of them is ready to get in a relationship until a couple of months before the main story takes place.

current story

she befriends alia and cookie and slowly makes steps to better her life. due to a situation going on with star, the trio is fed up with her abuse and they do their best to convince everyone else that she's not a good person to be around with. she's still struggling to keep her strong emotions in check, but her friends are always there to make her smile again :3

the future

she'll continue therapy and move on w her life, while keeping in contact with cookie and searching a house with her partner liam. she'll study psychology at uni and her mental health improves.



name • relationship •

description of their relationship with this character. you can make it long or short, or just remove it!


name • relationship •

here's an example of a longer description, the text will fill the space next to (& below) the image. it'll also move the divider down more. it can be as long as you want & you can add as many paragraphs as you want aswell:

like this, just add another "p" class!!


name • relationship •

here's an example of a short desc.


name • relationship •

to remove the description delete (everything between) the "p" class & delete the "hr" class!!