

"Courage is knowing what not to fear. For I am not brave, I just know
what it is that I am truly afraid of "

Name: Aerin "Fancy" Wolfe

Titles: The Briar Knight, Guarddog of the Demon

Species: Wolf

Gender: Male

Height: 5' 8'' 

A passionate person who always speaks his mind and speaks up for what he believes in.  Loves making people happy, a smile from someone who needed it is all the reward he feels he ever needs from them. Though a bit of a coward himself he has, and will, put himself in harms way to defend someone who cannot defend themselves. Tends to take too much of others people's problems on himself, but in turn doesn't like bothering others with his own problems when they arise.

Frustrates quite easily, especially with those who cause harm to others knowingly, to the point of actual anger. Due to this, he has a bit of a problem keeping his emotions in check.  This can have not only have a negative effect on him emotionally, but can lead his innate magic to go out of control, causing a state he has come to refer as "Overgrow".  This is why he will, for long periods of time, stay to himself to bring himself back under control. 

Aerin generally just wants what's best for everyone, and means well, even if he gets a little too caught up. 

Originally joining the Guard, a city wide protection force, he hoped to work his way up the ranks to eventually be properly knighted, to serve bigger and better things. He trained tirelessly under the captain he was assigned, eventually determined for them both to rise in the ranks. But she was struck down protecting him during a mission, caused by his own careless mistake, because he tried to do too much. Afterwards, instead of pursuing his dreams of knighthood, he took up her wants, of the captain, and friend, he had led fall to his mistake, and swore to protect the city she loved so much in her absence. 

But, fate had another idea of what he was meant for when he was jumped an alleyway some time later. In desperation he had tapped into powers he did not know he had, and had almost been consumed by them. Found by Syra he had accepted her deal, for it seemed like the only way to survive, to be able to continue to help people. Pulled into a situation he didn't know existed. Pulled between the contract he has formed, and the church that wishes for his presence as well and who's envoys hound him.  

For now, he now stands her guard, because for the time being it's the only place he can call home.


  • A good book, especially epics of knights, dragons and captured princesses. 
  • Enjoys good food but enjoys making good food even more.
  • Lying on grass, especially for naps, because it's relaxing.


  • people who take advantage of the weak
  • food with no flavor 
  • most insects.
  • Crowds, too many people, stresses him out.


Strength of Body: 3/5Empathy: 4/5Intelligence: 4/5
Strength of Mind: 3/5,  (though 2/5 without Syra's contract in effect.)Passion: 5/5Charisma: 3.5/5

Abilities :

  • Rune based magic, usually used with a medium (sword and locket most used mediums). Magic can be used without a medium in emergencies. 
  • Magic specialty is plants
  • Overgrow 

Weapon of Choice:  One- handed sword (typically an arming sword)



  •  His "employer" of sorts. 
  • Trusts her, even if he doesn't always agree with her methods. 
  • Sees their "contract" as a means to help more people, and would do anything to protect that possibility. 
  • Do genuinely get along, and even care for each other, though he is not quick to admit such a thing. 
  • Aerin's Contract with Syra gives him better control of himself and his emotions. Hence the chosen pact word "Control".
"Essentially my boss? Is that the right way to put it? I mean I do owe her and I AM grateful. I just, she's so much sometimes. Always trying to get a reaction out of me. Worst part? I think it might be sincere."
[1] [2]
  • Mutual respect, even if his "benefactor" has put them at odds a few times. 
  • Friends of sorts, the oldest one he still has.
  • Both have bonded over their "tragic backstories" as they refer to it.
  • Wishes she'd be a little less....extreme with her view of right and wrong.
  • Work well together, would probably jump to her aid if she got in like a bar fight or something.
  • Close friends/Best Friend
"Ah yes. My buddy in the "tragic backstories club". Mellisa is....ok? Just don't make her mad ok? I still have bruises from the last I did. That girl can punch HARD."

  • Doesn't like that she keeps trying to recruit him to the church. This eventually turns into hatred over the the revival of the "Stitched Knight"
  • Deals poorly with her magic, he's very weak to illusion magic. Though she's yet to use it maliciously against him. If anything she uses it to show positive images of what he could have if he "switched sides"
  • Feels bad for her that Syra treats her existence and "rivalry" as joke, since he sees that in genuinely upsets her.
"In an ideal world, we might have been allies. But she's done too much, not just to me but so many others, I just don't know if I can."

  • The first contract he met and the one who he understands the least why she would want to be here.
  • Thinks it's to dangerous for her and really wishes she'd be more careful
  • Appreciates that she will often help them with her powers, makes him feel a bit more like he knows what's going on.
  • Wishes he understood what she was thinking more often than not, but values their friendship none the less.
  • Trusts her without a doubt. 
"Deidre is really nice. Which is more than I can say for most. She's the only one who talks sense, even if.....even if she can be kinda cryptic with what she says sometimes." 
  • Star-crossed lovers, were once very close, know each other very well. 
  • Misses her greatly. Gets really melancholy if someone mentions her.
  • Were romantically involved before she died.
  • Has an emotional hair trigger when she's involved. Especially in cases of envoked sadness.
  • Trained a long time together so work quite well together, especially in combat.
"I....she...." "I wasn't worth it. She should be the one standing here not me."
[1][2] [3]
  • Finds him unruly and brash. 
  • Finds it unnerving he's so willing to "play the villain", makes him wonder if he can trust him, even though Syra insists he can.
  • Finds his powers unsavory, inflicting fear on others on purpose is just too much.
  • Begrudging allies
"That one's a monster. And I'm sure he's LOVE to hear me call him that too. Just a beast, who thinks for naught but himself. I wish I didn't have to rely on him."
  • Unlikely allies.  
  • Both value order and law being upheld in the world, they just disagree on the means. 
  • Get along when not at odds due to who they work for being in conflict. 
  • Aerin truly believes somewhere deep down Catherine is a good person.

"Whatever has happened to her, it's made her who she is. I've seen glimpses, small pieces of whatever kind soul she used to be, that she used to have. But it's always fleeting."
  • Get Along quite well.
  • Enjoys cooking for her, seems to be one of the few who enjoys good cooking as much as him.
  • Unsure how he feels about her, claims they are friends but there are moments he's just not sure.  At the very least, he considers her a very treasured ally. 
  • Will often go to her for advice. Sees her, even with her loud and extravagant nature, as the most level headed of the bunch. 
"I talk with Levana often if you would believe it. We often trade recipes and honestly she is the only one I can feel I can go to with a problem. While she isn't the only one I get along with, she seems to be the most grounded in the moment.  Cautious in nature, it is quite helpful for someone who tends to get worked up with worry like I do."
  • Get along decently well. At least friends.
  • Is constantly impressed by his abilities to convince people and get information with just his words, thinks he is even more effective than people who use magic to get same results.
  • Totally gets his want to keep his daughter safe, and supports him in the endeavor when he can.
  • Friends
"He always seems to be thinking of something. Always a little troubled by something. He means well though and I am more than happy to help him out. I understand having something you want to protect above all else."

  • Worked together a few times when Aerin and Mellisa have done joint cases.
  • Both just want what's best for Mellisa, but have different ideas what that means.
  • Respect like you have for a coworker or a friend of a friend.
  • A little wary of him, but there shouldn't be anything to worry about? Right?
"Hemlock is Mellisa's partner at the agency. Nice guy. A little sassy when he shouldn't be, and can be quite intimidatingly when he wants to be, but over all someone to be trusted."

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