Alojzy (Inventory)




His main weapon is a katana. His sword was specially made for him by a village craftsman with detailed instructions that he received from Alojzy's father. Alojzy cares for the sword eagerly and never lets it out of his sight.

The sword is most often carried on his back. It is rarely strap down to belt.


He got a dagger from his mother. Due to the fact that his fingers were cut off with a dagger, he now has a grudge against this weapon.

He uses his own very rarely and often forgets its existence. Every time he sees a dagger in others, he becomes more alert and a little tense, even though he knows that no one will do anything to him and no one will not attack him.


He likes coats. He likes brown the most, but he will wear gray or black too.

He wears the coat most often because of his glowing spots, which he doesn't like, and tries to cover them in all possible ways.

red scarf

A red striped scarf that he always has with him. It has great sentimental value for him. He got it from older sister. It was her first attempt to knit something.

leather bracelet

He wears leather bracelet on left hand (gift from Jasper). The bracelet is not his size, so it fits quite tightly around the wrist.
If it isn't wearing, it is attached to the handle of the katana.

item name

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code by xCaramelCookiex